Brian Dahle

Let's face some hard facts:

California State Senate Minority Brian Dahle is not going to be the next governor of California. The voters turned down a recall effort against incumbent Governor Gavin Newoms last year by 2-to-1. It was just so discouraging. Newsom has the backing of very major political interest, and the woke cult has such a stronghold on so many voters in the state.

So, why is Dahle running for Governor?

He is propping up his bid for higher office, i.e. Congress, when CA-01 House Rep. Doug LaMalfa resigns, retires, etc., or Dahle will go after a seat on the Board of Equalization once Ted Gaines terms out.

That's what swampy Republicans in the California State Legislature do. They are not interested in saving the state. Most of them do not speak up to stop bad legislation during the legislative session, even. They make no efforts to improve the well-being and quality of life for California residents. They don't care because they don't have to. They show up, cast their votes, collect their paycheck, then prep for higher office or local office or set up their consulting firms once they term out.

They are looking to hold onto whatever political power is available to them or make whatever money they can, including running for whatever higher office may be available to them in the near future.

How has the
Dahle for Governor campaign spent its money?

Consultant Josh Cook  $115,000  (Cook is also the Senator Dahle Chief of

The consultant gets 10% of campaign take. Wow!

cards    $256,000

Where does he plan on sending the slates? Orange County?


Matt Shupe
(Contra Costa GOP Chair)  $7500

Call to Action
Consulting (a Redding firm)  $10,000

Fortune Masters
Group—also from Redding    $10,000

Farah Farr
Consulting   $7421

Zimmerman   $5500

You have five other consultants listed. FIVE! What's this all about?

It's all about feathering the nests of the permanent minority of failure that runs the CAGOP.

Notice again how consultants have taken over as chairmen for key committees throughout the state. The activists and the grassroots voters do not run things in the California GOP. It's all run by a receding number of well-connected political technicians and wonks who just want to cash a check. They don't care about California. They don't care about the voters. They only care about their nest-egg and their next real estate investment (or the next campaign gig, or they next bid for higher office, etc.)

Haff—LAGOP Treasurer/Executive Director  

Lo and behold, even the Los Angeles County GOP is moving in on the money, too! Now we know how they are managing to keep the lights on for the otherwise abandoned LAGOP Central Committee.

I have looked at Republican State Party programs, platforms, and apparatus in the other states, and it just excites me and depresses me all at once. Florida, Iowa, even Rhode Island and Maine, have active state parties that are looking forward to taking back territory and winning seats in the state legislature or Congress!

And what about California? It's just a sad decline of excuses and corporate payoffs. A handful of people get rich, and the rest of the state suffers. It's almost as though the Democrats have fully infiltrating the California Republican Party to ensure nothing but controlled opposition comes out of them.

Brian Dahle is running for Congress or the Board of Equalization down the line, and in the meantime he is propping up a host of consultants and campaign vendors to keep them happy, so that he can take advantage of them for his next political push. What a let-down.

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