He nails the Trump v. DeSantis conflict perfectly, and he captures my sentiments very well:

Here are the full comments from the tweet above:

For the record: I voted 4 trump from the 1st primary. I was ecstatic after he won ’16 and was happy the first half of his term. I voted for him in ’20 feeling he deserved a chance to fix the mess and obviously against Biden. I stopped watching him after his continued vacs shilling and Oz endorsement. I stopped liking him after the slam days b4 an important FL Gov race. Since then his leftist attacks on an undeclared opponent in a same party primary have me in the never voting him again camp. I will actually be happier when he loses the primary or the general if need be. Moral of the story is NEVER permanently attach yourself to ANY one person, place, or thing. Because when they betray you, it’s you left holding the bag looking like a fool. ymmv.

I am less connected to Trump than this guy.

I voted for Ted Cruz in the 2016 Presidential primary, but I voted for Trump in the 2016 general and in 2020 both primary and general.

I am done with Trump because DeSantis has done so much more, and he has accomplished and can acomplish more than Trump did then and could in the future.

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