California MassResistance
activist relates LGBT discrimination he faced in California High School

Otherwise quiet,
conservative suburban campuses have turned into LGBT indoctrination campus not
just in class, but during students’ free time.

Find out what you can do
to stop this LGBT indoctrination onslaught in your local school


 In previous reports, MassResistance has shared about another chapter of California MassResistance, this time
locate in El Segundo, CA, a quiet suburb just south of the Los Angeles
International Airport.

We shared with everyone
how our Organization Director, Arthur Schaper, reached out to all of his El
Segundo contacts as well as other local activists to show up and
counter-protest Black Lives Matter. This new chapter of this violent, Marxist
hate group had been harassing the city of El Segundo for a few months with an
increased number of demands. Finally, CA MassResistance activists stepped up and
countered their lies.

Since then, a strong CA
MassResistance chapter has formed in the city of El Segundo. They have
continued to counter Black Lives Matter, and they are now setting up rallies of
their own to educate the community with the truth about BLM and their Marxist,
Pro-LGBT efforts.

El Segundo High School
Graduate Speaks Out

One of the activists we
have connected with, Chris (his name has been changed to protect his identity),
shared with us how the LGBT movement has been pushing hard in the local schools
in his community.

Most parents, most people
in the public are not aware of this, but the LGBT movement has been targeting
local schools, not just the school boards, to create pro-LGBT club chapters
like The Gay-Straight Alliance. LGBT activists not only sponsor and promote
these clubs, but they go out of their way to engage students to bully other
students to join them.

Check out Chris’ report on
what he endured in El Segundo High School when he refused to go along with the
liberal indoctrination forced on him:


A Conservative Student’s


When I began my time at El Segundo
High School in 2011, I was almost immediately ostracized by both students and
teachers alike due to my nonconformity to a system that pushed a socially liberal
agenda, particularly that which favored the growing LGBT movement. I’ve always
considered myself to be politically Libertarian, and my stance on most if not
all social issues was that if it did not immediately apply to me, or people I
cared about, I chose not to get involved. This was not as a matter of
complacency, but more of a matter that if I was not knowledgeable on a topic on
a personal level, I would not have the means to carry on an informed
conversation or debate if it came down to it.


El Segundo High School

I am against the conditioning that
has taken place in the school system that has trained students to ostracize
anyone that does not fully agree with the left-wing agenda. My “no opinion”
stance on many social and political issues at El Segundo High School set me
apart from a majority of the students, because if you didn’t 100% support the
“Liberal” ideology, you were considered public enemy number one, and as a
result I was subject to all degree of insults and threats from many of the
other students. 


My experience with the politics of
El Segundo High School came to a head in 2012 shortly after the tragic shooting
in Newtown, Connecticut. At the time, it was very well known throughout the
school that I was an avid firearms enthusiast, as well as a competitive
marksman, and that I was very well spoken in regards to my support of the 2nd
Amendment, even though an overwhelming majority of the school disagreed with my
views. In one English class, taught by an instructor that is no longer employed
by the school, the teacher had made an assignment where each student would have
to write an essay as if they were writing it to their congressman, demanding
stronger gun control and so-called “assault weapon” confiscation. I later
discovered that some of these essays were actually going to be sent off to our
representatives. I politely, yet firmly informed the teacher that I refuse to
write any such essay that contradicts my beliefs, and that anything I write
would be in favor of the 2nd Amendment, expanding enforcement of current
constitutionally compliant laws, and to expand greater enforcement against
those who have criminal histories, or a history of mental illness, and that
nothing I write would be in favor of confiscating firearms from law abiding


This was not acceptable to this
teacher, and by means of escalating the matter to the principal, tried to force
me to write it. When that failed, I gladly accepted the zero on the assignment.
Much later, I had been made aware that this instructor had made a
recommendation to put me under administrative observation, because supposedly
being a firm believer in my 2nd Amendment rights made me a potential threat to
the rest of the school. I had only discovered this after I was called into the
guidance counselor’s office on several occasions, where they would ask
questions such as if I was angry at anyone in particular or would wish harm on
them, how I felt I was doing on an emotional level, and later bluntly asking me
if I had immediate access to any firearms or other weaponry, at which point I
began to question the motive behind these meetings.


It was also during 2012 that El
Segundo High School’s “Gay-Straight Alliance), later the LGBT Club, was at the
height of its involvement at the school. I recall there being dozens of
fundraisers, rallies, and events either sponsored by, or headlined by the GSA.
At one point, students were going door to door in each of the class periods,
looking to expand their roster by asking students in each of the classes to
sign up for the club, or at the very least, subscribe to the club’s newsletter.
Myself, and several other students in that class period respectfully declined.
As stated earlier, I never got involved in topics that did not pertain to me or
someone I cared about, and this was no exception. For a while after, I heard
misguided remarks such as “I heard you didn’t sign up for the GSA, you must
hate Gays”, as well as threats of violence from many students. The verbal
remarks were mostly harmless, but the threats made me think about how many on
the socially liberal side try to make Conservatives seem like the violent ones,
yet they were the ones to throw insults and make threats of violence. 


Sample photo of CA Gay-Straight Alliance (Photo Credit)


Later that same year, myself and
several students attempted to start an after school Conservative club, where
like-minded individuals could meet and discuss topics such as Gun Control, and
traditional family values, and try to find common ground with students that
were either on the fence, or on the other side of the fence in regards to
either side’s politics. This plan was shot down when none of our teachers would
sign off and approve it, and the principal had informed some of the founding
members that such a club would be in poor taste, and contradictory to some
already existing clubs, without naming any specifics. In the interest of not
wanting to cause discord between “us” and “them”, it was decided that our
conservative club would not have a place at El Segundo High School, yet their
clubs [LGBT, Gay-Straight Alliance, etc.] would be allowed to continue
operating, due to them having the majority support of the school.


The following school year, in a US
History class, another teacher had us participate in an exercise where the
class was evenly split between two sides, those which supported stricter gun
control, and those that did not. Over the course of the class period, I
presented one fact after the next in regards to how our current laws worked,
and how stricter gun control laws only hurt the law-abiding. Many fellow students
realized that I was correct on just about every point, and later began to
research on their own and come to their own conclusions. Many other students
did not, as they were led to believe that guns, the Second Amendment, and those
that support it are immoral and should be abolished. As for me, I was asked to
leave the class, as it was stated that I was being rude by debunking several
student’s nonfactual claims. While the school administration assured me that I
was “technically” in the right by presenting my side of the debate, this
instructor had made it clear they did not want me in their class, and urged me
to consider transferring into another class with a different teacher.


This multitude of transgressions
against my conservative beliefs, as well as a number of other issues, including
multitude of failures by the school to act against violent bullying, doxxing,
and even drug trafficking and use that happened on campus ultimately led to my
decision to drop out of El Segundo High School and finish the rest of my
education via homeschooling. To my knowledge, based on credible information by
many students I’ve spoken to in recent days, the school has not changed much,
if at all, from when I was there.


In recent days, it is very often
claimed that the city of El Segundo, as well as El Segundo High School,
discriminates against those that are LGBT, as well as those who fall into
minority demographics. These claims are backed up with little to no factual
evidence, only word of mouth from the majority. Those of us that fall into the
minority, that being constitutional conservatives, or the “Right Wing” are
largely silenced by both the city and the high school, as our ideology does not
fit their liberal narrative. Certain agitator groups within the city have also
now begun organizing students in more recent years to “enlighten” the community
on the supposed discrimination they face on a daily basis at ESHS, even going
so far as to state that El Segundo is the 5th most racist state in California,
and that we’re home to a branch of the KKK, both without providing any factual
evidence to support these claims. When questioned, the students that presented
these false claims backpedaled, and refused to have any discussion pertaining
to what they said. 


In short, the claims that are
being circulated that El Segundo, particularly the high school, is a haven for
conservative “right-wing” politics that allows discrimination against “left
wing” politics without consequence is a blatant, outright lie. Complacency by
the school administration allowed discrimination against conservative students
to go on almost entirely unhindered, and the school only intervened when
conservative voices only started getting louder. 

This is just one account
of one student in a suburban high school in Los Angeles County. The teachers,
the administrators, and even the elected school board members were all
complicit on pushing these destructive agendas on the students. When one
student stood out and refused to cooperate, they relied on every resource
possible to force him to comply, or to silence him. This is just one student’s
account, and this one student was brave enough to speak up, fight back, and
then ultimately walk away from the toxic environment at the school where he
attended. Other parents have reported to us since our report on Black Lives
Matter that this left-wing, pro-LGBT, anti-American indoctrination is happening
in their children’s schools, as well.

From its inception,
MassResistance has been committed to fighting this scourge in the local
schools. While the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed the spread of this destructive
LGBT agenda, many school districts are still pushing to homosexuality,
transgenderism, and radical intersectionality politics onto students through
distance or online learning.

We are working with a
number of parents and different groups throughout the United States to expose
this state-sponsored corruption of minors. MassResistance is determined to push
back and end this assault on our youth and the country’s moral fabric in every
way possible.


More recently, another family sued the El Segundo Unified School District for allowing school-wide bullying to take place with no intervention to stop the relentless harrassment of one group of kids against one young lady. This family won a $1 million judgment from the school district. I wonder what other abuses are happening in El Segundo Unified …

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