Kyle Waterman is an openly gay, Christian (?), Democrat running for Montana State Senate District 4.

He is trying hard to make himself seem bipartisan, when clearly he is a committed leftist trying to play off his Montana roots to turn Montana into New York or California.

What's worse, he wants to protect and promote pornography in Montana libraries. He stands with obscenity and perversion, all under the guise of "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion."

He brazenly claims to support literacy by promoting one of the most loathsome, offensive, pornographic books yet put into print: GenderQueer

Kyle Waterman, Fake Montanan
pushing porn on children in libraries

If you think that "GenderQueer" is safe reading for children, think again.

Here are some of the many perverse sections in the book (viewer discretion advised):


Daydreams of being a homosexual male and masturbating …


Here, the girl is drawn to look convincingly like a teen boy while her sister persuades her to taste her vaginal fluid.


The mental illness in the LGBT "community" is understandable after seeing all this – clearly written by an "insider" to that sordid lifestyle.




More daydreams that these authors would like your kids to have …



Take another look at the pages above, and ask yourself:
"Do you think a grown man who thinks images like the above should be available to children, should represent Montanans in Helena?"
There are pictures promoting sexual perversion and destruction, including pedophilia! Why would any right-thinking adult promote such vile material in any library, to any child?
Kyle Waterman wants everyone to think of him following in the footsteps of his liberal mother, who had served a long time ago in the state senate.
But the truth is that any man who thinks that pornography should be pushed on kids in libraries should not be trusted with any form of authority whatsoever.
REJECT Kyle Waterman for Montana State Senate District Four.

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