Wow! Who would have thought?

Holding criminals accountable stops crime!

Arresting malfeasants stops malfeasance.

I am shocked–shocked!

Check out Brooke Jenkins latest eblast for her election campaign in San Francisco:

Hi Arthur,

Since 2020, our city has tragically lost nearly 1,700 lives to accidental overdoses — fentanyl unsurprisingly the most common drug involved in these deaths. Holding drug dealers accountable and tackling this crisis aggressively is a top priority for District Attorney Brooke Jenkins.


Listen to her commitment to this crisis in our new campaign ad below ⬇️
Criminals coming into our city should not be able to deal lethal drugs or break into cars and businesses without consequence. With Brooke Jenkins, we have a District Attorney who prioritizes public safety and holds criminals accountable for their actions.

Brooke Jenkins is on a mission to make San Francisco a city that is safe for all of us. Support her efforts by pitching in today >>

Thank you,

Team Jenkins

The whole "let's decriminalize drugs" push has massively failed, as well. Look what has happened in San Francisco, where drug dealers and low-level criminals daily deal and dose drugs in the street! This is beyond madness. How could any progressive really believe that this was the smart way to deal with drug addiction?!

Brooke Jenkins recognizes (to an extent) that drug deals cannot get away with this madness anymore if San Francisco is going to have any semblance as a safe city once again.

Lock up criminals, don't coddle them. Someone needs to tell Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon the same thing!

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