In a previous post, I shared with readers about Montana Democratic State Senate candidate Kyle Waterman, an openly gay, militant left-wing LGBT activist who is so out of place running in Montana, one has to wonder if he is a California-based grifter taking advantage of rich donors for an easy paycheck.

The above photo, in which he is pushing the vile, pornographic book Gender Queer, comes from one of the most cringeworthy campaign commercials I have ever seen. The fact that any politician would be stupid, or sick, enough to campaign on such abusive garbage is just the height of stupid. He is automatically unfit for office.

But the rest of his campaign "commercial" (if you can call it that), gives us plenty more reasons for Montana voters to say NO to Kyle.

Here's the link for the video.

Waterman goes out of his way to make himself seem folksy and downhome. He wants to play up his bipartisan credentials. He has too since, he's a progressive (read, communistic) Democrat running for a red state senate seat in the most conservative county in a very red state.

Check out how he juxtaposes left-wing and right-wing voters:

The left-wing activist is eating a carrot. The conservative is … smoking a cigarette. Really? Wow, there is no bias here …

Then the commercial points to the "one person" who can heal the partisan divide in the state:

Kyle … Waterman that it is (as if!)

Here he wears a spiffy checkered shirt, which he probably bought one hour prior, just like Kamala Harris had posed with a brand new apron during campaign 2020. She ended up showing that she had never cooked–and Kyle Water clearly has no experience with the great outdoors.

Waterman the well-coifed cowboy. Are we really supposed to believe that he is a rural type who wants to represent Kalispel?

Throughout the commercial, the actors tell the audience: "Think Bigger, Not Fuller."
John Fuller is the Republican nominee, by the way, someone who actually is from Kalispel. Think Bigger, Not Fuller–that's the campaign slogan?
Of course, what's really remarkable is Waterman wants to play up his local credentials, when in reality he is a carpetbagger from liberal enclave Helena.

From what I know about Montana politics, voters in the Big Sky State do not warm up to outsiders and carpetbaggers. It's part of the reason why Greg Gianforte did not win his gubernatorial bid in 2016, and why Matt Rosendale couldn't defeat Jon Tester in 2018. Montanans want native Montanans representing them. I imagine that Kalispel residents want one of their neighbors representing them, too, not some frilly liberal elitist who pulled up stakes to Kalispel because there were too many liberals running for office in Helena.

Oh, and again, that's supposed to be a joke: "Bigger, not Fuller." Cringe.
This is the best that Waterman could do to attak John Fuller? Really?!

The commercial will stick with this stupid schtick through all two minutes of insipid campaign dreck:
"Not Fuller!" (because she's full of carrots, right?)
I can think of something else she's full of ..

And to show that Waterman is the true champion (?) for Montanans, the commercial shows him picking up a piece of paper from a local river.

Are they trying to say that the Montana state constitution is just a piece of paper? Well, that message makes sense coming from Democrats, since they don't have much respect for the written guarantees or the legal traditions which define Americans' or Montanans' rights to begin with.
Again, though, a paper constituion? Really?! I mean, high school kids could have come up with something more imaginative, and compelling!
If anyone needed to "think bigger," it was the campaign manager for this stupid commercial!
One gets the feeling, as one endures the rest of this sappy spot, including the silly jingle probably written by some fifth grader down the street, that the whole campaign is just a flabby vanity project for Waterman.
Why do we need to know that he is "married" to a man?

Why do we need to see nasty stereotypes of conservatives?

Why do we need to see horses pretending to talk?

Did anyone sit back and think "Maybe this is not such a good idea?"

And to really show how this whole commercial exposes what a failed, flimsy self-promotional vanity project is the Waterman campaign, consider these two lines of his campaign song:

Yoga Pants

People who are Trans:

Does Kyle Waterman really think that yoga pants and "people who are trans" are the biggest issues on Montana voters' minds?

The pollings and surveys across the COUNTRY show that people are worried about:

1. Inflation

2. Crime

3. Economic growth

Why any politcian thinks show-casing a confused man pretending to be a woman is somehow a winner is just beyond me. And yoga pants? This is a first … I don't recall any other politician making a scene or a campaign pledge to "PROTECT YOGA PANTS!"

Folks, if you want to think bigger, and think better for Montana, don't think of Waterman.

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