West Virginia Team in Parkersburg/Wood County Exposes
Drag Shows, Pornographic Books in Local Libraries

MassResistance providing guidance and support in effort
to stop LGBT Infiltration and Grooming of Children

Across the country, parents and other outraged citizens are
pushing back on local school boards and library boards. They are demanding that
politicians put the well-being of their children first, instead of pandering to
the LGBT mafia and their disgusting allies. They are also raising every alarm to stop the predatory behavior of drag queens going after children in other venues.

MassResistance has been working with parents and other
activists in West Virginia for the last three years. We were able to shut down
drag queen story hour programs, and we stopped nonsensical “non-discrimination”
ordinances. We are also working with local activists to stop reparative therapy
bans and to remove offensive, obscene, pornographic books from local libraries.

Parkersburg, West Virginia Takes on Drag Queens

Fort the past two months,
MassResistance has been assisting local activists in Parkersburg and Wood
County, West Virginia to put an end to drag shows in private venues grooming
children. One of the most notorious performances took place at the Parkersburg
Shriner’s Temple, in which perverse drag queens, adult male (often homosexual)

A Shriner’s Temple?! Yes, indeed:


The Shriner’s Movement is
well-known as a group of national—even international—philanthropists who invest
their time, energy, and money to help children with disabilities.

Why would they sully their image
and allow adult groomers dressed as garish parodies of women to take advantage
of children?  Why would they allow these
awful antics within their building?!

And what happened next was just
awful. At the September 25th, 2022 event, some of our Parkersburg
activists went into the drag show, and here’s what they captured:




They drag queens approached the
children, and they kids gave these perverted men money. Is this really
“family-friendly” entertainment?



 Notice how they have kids front and center in these photos, and the parents give the kids money so that they can "solicit" the drag queens. How can any parent tolerate such abuse?

As expected, all the drag queens are dressed in offensive and
burlesque garb, sexually explicit and provocative.

 The hosts and performers went out of their way to showcase the children in their vile escapades:




The performers and other adults
in the room even had the children take the stage and “perform” in front of the
other adults. If this is not grooming, if this is not pedophilia, I don’t know
what you can call this. This is outrageous child abuse!







     This photos is creepy all of itself. The drag queens touched the kids, too!




These kinds of explicit displays
have no business being around children. No adult with any sense of dignity or
self-respect would tolerate such rank, disgusting displays around children.

On top of all this abuse, there
was alcohol served at this event. Adults drinking alcohol around minors, and
allowing perverted drag queens to gyrate and engage in their sexually explicit
acts around children is nothing short of criminal.

Not to be outdone by
their September antics, more drag shows are coming to Parkersburg in the next


How can any American Foreign
Legion tolerate such desecration in their sacred halls?

And another drag show is coming
to the Shriner’s Temple:



Both of these events are geared
toward grooming not just the general public, but children. These were the
perverted drag queens that were gyrating around children in September, and they
want to keep coming back until they become the mainstream mainstay.

Our West Virginia MassResistance
activists are fighting hard to expose and shut down these displays of explicit

In the next blog post, we will
share with you the efforts taken by our West Virginia team to take on the local
schools and libraries. The books which these two agencies are making available
to children is beyond outrageous!

Please contact me if you have any information or want to get involved in putting a stop to this rank abuse of children in Parkersburg, WV!

Email: arthur@massresistance.org

Cell: (781) 474-3005

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