From Hugh Bennett of Wyoming MassResistance:

Kathy Halvorsen’s letter to the editor is liberal “group think”, her talking points reveal it. Librarians and the library aren’t “under attack”. Locals valuing childhood innocence (licensed professional doctors, psychologists, ministers, and educators) haven’t attacked librarians. They’ve defended childhood innocence in public by quoting moral, national, and state laws; laws of nature, and the morality upon which America’s law is based. They’ve exercised free speech. 

Meanwhile liberals play the victim, preventing observers from realizing books exposing children to sodomy and other perversity are child abuse. Liberal victimhood is a deliberately distracting straw-man. No rational adult wants taxes to pervert and destroy a generation with sexualized propaganda. False “victims” mischaracterize censorship; as if childhood freedom requires exposure to hardcore pornography. We don’t endorse pro smoking, drinking, or drug-use propaganda for kids. So why are liberals pushing known perversity? Leftist buzzwords mischaracterize responsible adults as 'religious zealots'. I believe God, but I’m less religious than founding fathers who fought and died in the American revolution; who signed the declaration of independence and framed our constitution. Many were ministers. 

The library IS a political entity built by politicians serving our community. Our library board was politically appointed. Community standards apply. Kathy pretends morally responsible citizens protecting children from perversion are like 1930s Nazis. “Nazi” stands for “national socialist”. They were ultra-radical lefties. They burned books to control thought. Today’s liberal elite censor conservative thought online, push fake news (propaganda), and virtue signal to justify abuse. Modern “democrats” are more fascist and socialist than any right-wing group. Look up fascist goals and implementation tactics in the library; there’s the liberal playbook. Liberals dox dissenters, deface churches, and play the victim: modernized Nazi tactics. “Conservatives” don’t censor adults or adult materials. We do protect immature children from sexualization, perversity and obviously wicked propaganda.

Hugh Bennett
Gillette News Record
P.O. Box 3006
Gillette, WY 82718

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