Chunk Fetterman in the Debate last night
Someone get him a Snickers bar!

Occupy Democrats will say and do anything to help Democrats win in November.

Yes, they lie.

Yes, they cheat.

Yes, they will steal ideas and promote theft in the streets.

But they have gone beyond mere lying, to absolutely beclowning themselves.

Look what they had to share about the Pennsylvania US Senate debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz:

John Fetterman is CRUSHING Trumper Dr. Oz right now!

— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) October 26, 2022

No. He. Didn't.

John Fetterman could not string together one cohesive sentence.
John Fetterman mispronounced words repeatedly.
A few times, he just straight up paused and said nothing. Those kinds of silent moments are a deadly for a political campaign, especially during a political debate.
He was confronted with a straight up contradiction on his stance on fracking. Four years ago, he opposed fracking. He was on record declaring his opposition to fracking. The two moderators during the debate confronted him about this stance. Then, four years later, Fetterman says that he supports fracking. Confronted with this glaring contradiction, Fetterman straight-up lied and said: "I have always supported fracking."
He is dead man walking at this point. Of course, Occupy Democrats can't tell the difference between someone who is alive or dead, as long as they are Democrats who will do whatever their political handlers tell them to do.
John Fetterman was Joe Biden with a beard.
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