It's refreshing to remember that Democrats complained about voter fraud as much as Republicans did.

Barack Obama, when he was running for Presiden tin 2008, admitted that both parties had been involved in voter fraud.

He emphasized that Democrats had engaged in voter fraud, and that admission is significant.

Check out this admission from 14 years ago:

Obama in 2008

Voting machines and election

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 16, 2022

Ohio was the bellwether state for elections in 2000, in 2004, and in 2008.

When Barack Obama won Ohio in 2012, or at least when the state was called for Obama, Karl Rove went apoplectic on Fox News and demanded that the newscasters check the number again.

It made no difference.

That fact that Obama won Ohio was the calling card that the corporate media needed to announce Obama as re-elected.

It's amazing how bad things were during the Obama Administation. This country was in bad shape them, with anemic unemployment, a rising racialism that spilled in manifest tensions and protests across the country. And now we are getting twice as much of the same failed policies. Then again, perhaps we cannot call those policies "failed," since Barack Obama was deliberately determined to bring down the United States.

Putting all of that aside for the moment, can't we find something interesting in the fact that Obama admitted that Democrats engaged in voter fraud? Everyone should be interested in extensive efforts to ensure voter integrity and proper election reforms across the board.

Let's get this done. Let's stop waiting for the right people to get elected at some point. It's time to start working with the rules that we have, and then pushing through for necessary reforms to tighten up the voting process.

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