Christina Gerrits

Shame on Christina Gerrits of Gillette, Wyoming.

She spoke out at the latest Campbell County, WY Library Board meeting in Gillette (November 21, 2022) and this is what she had to say:

Chairwoman Bear and Committee members:

Last weekend, there was another senseless mass shooting in Colorado Springs

The LGBQ … The LGBTQ Community was clearly targeted in this latest attack, and I place the blame on actions such as this and at the feet of MassResistance.

The truth is that the real culprits when it comes to dangerous behaviors and ideologies are Christina Gerrits and her LGBT ilk. Why are these creepy adults so determined to normalize sexual perversion?

She had the despicable audacity to blame mothers, fathers, veterans, and immigrants who fight for family values, and she blames THEM for the shooting in Colorado? Absolutely shameful!

MassResistance tries to marginalize alternative lifestyles and would like nothing better than to put others back in the closet.

Gerrits acknowledges that homosexuality and transgenderism are marginal behaviors. She acknowledges that the perverted, pornographic books are all pushed by LGBT activists.

Why are LGBT militants so determined to push sexual perversion on children? Why are LGBT themed books for children saturated with sexual perversion and degeneracy?

Instead of embracing our library and its efforts to serve others in our community, you are doing everything you can to push LGBTQ+ members and their needs underground. You all are part of the national attack on the LGBTQ+ community.

The truth is that sexual degeneracy should be pushed underground. Why would any adult want to normalize these destructive behaviors, and especially onto children?

And I am wondering if any of you have stopped to take stock of your hatred, minisformation, and attacks on members of our LGBTQ+ community.

The real hatred, misinformation, and attacks are coming from the LGBT "community." They are the ones targeting children. They are the ones normalizing perversion.

And here's the biggest fraud yet coming from Christina "Relentless Hatemonger" Gerrits:

There's never been a culture war by the Left. MassResistance has come to our community to create a problem where there was none. 

The whole culture war is taking place BECAUSE of the LEFT!

Yes, there is this whole perverse push to normalize sexual perversion on kids. This is exactly what is going on. LGBT themed books are filled with sexual perversion, pornography, and filth.

By twisting the definition of pornography, they are maintaining that these books, which contain sex education information, are pornographic

That's because they are, Christina. What kind of sick pervert are you, that you actually defend filthy, perverted books like This Book is Gay and GenderQueer around children?

What kind of twisted adult could look on any of the many explicit pages in those books, and then claim that they are NOT pornography?

Pornograhy is the printed or visual material containing the explicit description  ord ispay of sexual organs or activities, intended to stimulate erotic instead of artistic or emotional feeling.

All these perversions are pervasive throughout the books that have been challenged.

If the illustrations in the books "This Book is Gay" stimulate erotic feelings in anyone, then I feel sorry for you. It's clearly a "How to" book, which only kids who are ready for that kind of information will check out.

Why would any adult want to giv children a book on how to have sex? Why would any adult support providing material which shows kids gross, indecent acts and even invites children to have sex with adults?!

Christina Gerrits, the relentless hatemonger and depraved pervert of Campbell County, WY thinks all of that is OK.

I would have been mortified to see any information on sex for the longest time. I was a late bloomer. But that does not mean it should not be made available for others to read. 

Christina Gerrits is a relentless hatemonger. She clearly neglected to inform the public that it was a disturbed non-binary bigot who shot up the Colorado Springs gay bar. The LGBT "community" is attacking itself, now.

There is so much brokenness, degeneracy, and moral bankruptcy among homosexuality and transgenderism. Christina Gerrits insists on pushing the TRUTH into the closet, and then she shamelessly lies about MassResistance.

The truth is that she is a relentless hatemonger. She is pushing hate, and she is pushing lies, and she is fomenting disinformation, all in the name of normalizing sexual perversion and degeneracy for children.

And she is a depraved pervert! Any adult who thinks pornographic material should be allowed for children is an absolutely depraved pervert, and that describes Christina Gerrits to C … G … and T.

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