AMA-Medical Association,….PLEASE EXPLAIN;…..WHY AS MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONALS ,….Are You supporting one’s internal Illusion / Delusion of this “Trans-fantasy”, and Ignoring the science and reality of Natural Gender Birth??…***There is no-such concept as “Gender-Assignment”, as it suggest something or someone is making a Decision as per each individuals birth. There is NO Science that you can embrace as Professionals to validate such a Bizarre statement, and thus it is NOT something that alleged (“Trans”) can Appeal upon their Birth. The audacity of Humans to think they can alter that (Gender), which (though not fully understood) is granted them upon their Birth, …..AND,…..What (appears) is even more Frightening, is that “Professional Organizations” such as the A.M.A. is endorsing such Unfounded actions and Unverifiable concepts. OUTRAGEOUS!!

Thoughts & Opinion from ; T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, wondering if I will ever be accepted, if I present myself as “Normal”??
Based on the very language that the “gay-community” applies to others, is NOT these “TRANS”-“ACTIONS” a “Nature-Phobic” performance that requires some form of Therapy??





To the A.M.A. Representatives; In a recent visit to my Primary Doctor, I was offered a sheet to fill-out, called the “Patient Demographic Form”. One of the Boxes “required” to be filled-out, was one titled;….”Current Gender Identity”. Further review of this form had a section asking if I was (Transgender Male, Transgender woman), and / or (“Gender Non-Binary, Genderqueer, or neither exclusively male or female)….I found this to be appalling, insulting, and as Non-scientific a paper that a Professional Doctor’s office can present to any Patient.

… I will not fill-out any such paper again, as it gives credence to an (alleged) (I wanna-be), gender, that does not exist!!!….**I am making an assumption that office-forms of this type have been accepted and / or approved by the A.M.A.???….Upon looking at your AMA web site it appears that such is the case, as you support “Gender Identity”, and even (support) providing varied Drugs / Surgeries for these unwarranted & delusional claims of “Transitioning” from one gender to another….How does an organization of your design, give “Blanket approval” for a “Medical condition”, that has NO basis-in-fact, or in Science?? You are supposed to be Doctors and Scientist!!…

…..Certainly, People can believe they are whatever they’ve choose to be, but it is Your Job, too inform them that they are Not! …Evaluate them, consult with them, provide Therapy for them,…BUT your “Do-Nothing” performance may be Dereliction-of-your-duties, by your open endorsement and condescending response to their misguided claims!!!….Not even Doctors can deny one’s gender by Natural Birth, and No-one can Medically or Scientifically change that Gender, regardless of Drugs, surgeries, or any other “VooDoo” therapies someone may create for Financial gain!!……..***I ask that you withdraw your endorsements on these “mythical” claims being made by some, and restore some dignity to your Profession!!…There is No shame in being Honest!!!

***How can an Organization such as the AMA, endorse, pursue, and support such “actions: that have NO foundation in Science, or Medical specificity??….It is understood that (legally), “Gender Identity” merely means the gender you feel at any given time. How can the AMA, support such Nonsense, (as it appears) the AMA, without a proper and Professional Diagnosis accepts one’s feeling of gender confusion or identity, merely and solely based on the “word” of the Patient??….How professional is that??…
.Does that NOT, (the AMA response),reflect a severe contrast with the spirit and specifics of the Organizations Historical allegiance to the “Hippocratic Oath”???
Thoughts & Opinion from ; T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, wondering if I will ever be accepted, if I present myself as “Normal”??

To the A.M.A. Representatives;…

….Society’s embrace and participation,… reluctantly or otherwise, of such interactive, fabricated terminology;...Transgender, Gender Identity, and other recently “created titles;….REQUIRES us to pose the question;…. Will this Human Arrogance, Defiance, & Disruption of Nature and it’s Inherent “Laws” upon our Birth,  be the “Tools of Imbalance”, as to drive-us towards our Finality-of-EXISTENCE??

…Why does such as Professional Body (AMA), of Scientists and possessors of valid–hard-earned Doctorates simply go along with the False Narrative, that “one can change their Natural gender” by merely deciding they want to be something they can Never be??………Why would the AMA, support such a concept, rift with the potential of some (Patient), Mental deficiencies, and / or Internal insecurities??…………..***It is my opinion that Great Harm has been done already between the Trust once treasured between Doctor & Patient, with the ever revealing truths of Covid, it’s origins, and it’s intent??……….The AMA, is Not generating much Trust and Confidence with their apparent support for what may be one’s simple “Delusions: and Non-acceptance of their Natural-Birth-right”..?………..Would not this form of “rejection” by some,(Patients),… present some considerations of a “NATURE-PHOBIA’, by individuals Denial of that which is a resulting  (birth) performance of Nature? A Natural occurrence that has been going on  for untold Centuries!!….I cannot understand why the AMA, is turning their back on Nature and embracing illusion, created by delusion??

Thoughts & Opinion from ; T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, wondering if I will ever be accepted, if I present myself as “Normal”??

(AMA)-American Medical Association, and other MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS ,…..PLEASE EXPLAIN THESE FOLLOWING CONCERNS; …..WHY as MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONALS —WHY have YOU Chosen APPEASEMENT over NATURE, and the Natural Laws, that dictate our existence??

Why have you (A.M.A.), adopted (below), such a subservient response to what may become an Epidemic of Indoctrination, when your Professionalism and Mission statement compels you  “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.”; ...


r AMA website; …..INCLUSIVENESS;….We embrace diversity, inclusion, and equity in all aspects at the core of who we are. We strive to create an environment as well as programs that reflect the communities we serve and in which everyone feels welcomed and empowered. We pledge a commitment to equitable treatment and nondiscrimination in all that we do.

  1. Top Gender Doctor Now Claims Medical Industry was Wrong About ……
    The following article, Top Gender Doctor Now Claims Medical Industry was Wrong About Safety of Transgender Procedures for Kids, was first published on another website.. A top scientist and doctor who was one of the early advocates of transgender medicine now says that they were wrong and that the procedures they have pioneered for gender dysphoria
  1. The horrors of transgender surgeries and the lives they ruin ……
    We hope Nancy Armour’s reading of the New Testament extends to Romans 1:25-27. Most commentators simply don’t understand that loving everyone as a Christian means telling people certain actions …
***SO, A.M.A, are you saying you endorse the consequences of such surgeries, merely because you are exercising “Diversity”, and Equity, and Inclusion, and appearing to be “FAIR” is more important then appearing to be  Medical Professionals??…………Please answer these concerns for the benefit of Patients all over America!!
  1.  Thoughts & Opinion from ; T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, wondering if I will ever be accepted, if I present myself as “Normal”??

***A.M.A, please inform the Public of these United States, how allowing and conceding to all & anyone just walking-up to you and saying, (In contrast to their Natural Identity),…”I am this” or “I am That”, and you as Medical & Scientific Professionals simple NOD your Head and say Okay???….That is an Absurdity and an Insult to a Public that has grown to become dependent on your Thoughts & Opinions…..Is it not a severe violation of your Hippocratic Oath, to accept one’s “self-diagnosis” and relinquish any professional opinion on what may actually be ailing the individual??

The Hippocratic Oath is traditionally administered to the young physician upon entering the profession. Although usually attributed to Hippocrates, it is probably an ancient Roman oath.
Hippocrates, the Greek physician called the Father of Medicine, lived from about 460 B.C. to 377 B.C. He placed medicine on a scientific foundation, freeing it from superstition, philosophy and religious rites, gave sound and shrewd descriptions of many diseases and raised the ethical standards of medical practice. His physiology, pathology and therapeutics were based largely on the doctrines of his predecessors.
Your “Fall-in-Line”  use of “Exhausted & Embellished” terms such as “Diversity, Inclusion, Equity” are nothing more then “Code-Words” for those who wish to exercise Prejudice & “Name-Calling”, against anyone who may merely disagree with these forced intentions upon Nature, and the  Citizens who Respect the Balance and the Laws of Nature??
Thoughts & Opinion from ; T. Pastore / Vietnam Veteran / USMC, wondering if I will ever be accepted, if I present myself as “Normal”??
More positions in dispute with the A.M.A.
March-2023;….The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has just released a formal statement completely condemning the legitimacy of so-called “gender-affirming” medical care.
  1. ( — Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
      1. FDA sued for concealing information about children’s off ……
        America First Legal sues the FDA for illegally concealing records regarding the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone drugs on children after failing to respond to a FOIA as required by law
    1. The American Psychological Association Says Born-That-Way-And ……
      In the APA Handbook, the American Psychological Association itself is now saying that born-that-way-and-can’t-change is not true. In addition, Dr. Lisa Diamond, a self-avowed lesbian, is co-editor-in-chief of the Handbook, and she authors and co-authors chapters in it. She qualifies as one of the APA’s “most respected members.”
  2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. American Citizens;….DEFINITION;… Gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female)….***That’s all it is America,…A sense that you think you are something,…that you are NOT!!!..So why are we being Irresponsible, and letting, Friends, Neighbors, Family, and our Children, go-ahead and continue this Delusion of “Pretending”??? It is Not a Verifiable, Natural, existence, beyond the “pretend Illusion” within one’s mind.

  2. ***gender identity | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information …
    Gender identity is a person’s self-identified gender, which may or may not correspond with their “sex assigned at birth.” Gender identity is how a person experiences and expresses their gender. The Yogyakarta Principles, international human rights principles revolving around sexual orientation and gender identity, describe gender identity as “each person’s presentation of the person’s gender through physical appearance – including dress, hairstyles, accessories, cosmetics – and …
  3. What Percentage of the Population is Transgender 2023;….(comment)- This must be considered for the whole of Society to exist as a cohesive Community!!….Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender or sense of personal identity does not match the sex they were born with. In other words, a transgender person may have been born as a male but identifies as a female or vice versa.

    Transgender people are part of the LGBTQ+ community. According to the Williams Institute, 1.4 million adults identify as transgender in the United States. About 0.5% of adults 18-24 identify as transgender, and 0.3% of adults 65 and older identify as transgender.
  4. Medical Significance,…or “POLITICAL QUACKERY

    ***Would you believe this America’s Families???;…Gender identity does not require medical or mental health treatment or indicate a need for such treatment. However, individuals whose gender identity is not concordant with their physical bodies may experience gender dysphoria.
 *** A former case manager at a Missouri pediatric transgender clinic is blowing the whistle on the “morally and medically appalling” treatment resulting in “permanent harm” done to children. …..Jamie Reed, a self-described “queer” leftist woman married to a transgender man, worked as a case manager handling intake of patients at the Pediatric Transgender Center at Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital for more than four years….
  1. Detransitioned teens explain why they regret changing genders…
    Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender …
  2. Transgender sex change regret: Transitioning won’t heal real ……
    After de-transitioning, I know the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex. Walt Heyer is a former transgender woman who provides …

American Medical Association backs nationwide conversion therapy ban………WHY,.… A.M.A.…..WHY???

American Medical Association backs nationwide conversion therapy ban,….EVEN THOUGH;….March-2023;….The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has just released a formal statement completely condemning the legitimacy of so-called “gender-affirming” medical care.


Medical Significance,……or “POLITICAL QUACKERY

Gender identity does not require medical or mental health treatment or indicate a need for such treatment. However, individuals whose gender identity is not concordant with their physical bodies may experience gender dysphoria.


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