Action 4 Liberty
Kathleen —


I just got word this morning that the Radical Democrats are moving the dangerous “Sanctuary State of Genital Mutilation” bill on Friday!!!


These people are wackos! And they are ruining our state.


You probably know that this legislation is spearheaded by Leigh Finke, the crazy transgender legislator who believes in turning young teens away from their Christian upbringing.


If you and I want a chance at stopping this thing, we need to act RIGHT NOW!!!


The Sanctuary State for Genital Mutilation bill would:


– Let bad parents from broken marriages, take their children from other states and bring them to Minnesota for genital-mutilation surgery.

– Ignore warrants and court orders from other states.

– Protect and encourage the genital-mutilation or irreversible gender hormone treatments of minors


Woke parents will come to Minnesota to mutilate their children’s body parts, unless you and I act right now.


I almost can’t even believe this is a reality. It’s so extreme. But the Democrats in charge are trying their best to pass this radical agenda right away.


There is hope, though…


Minnesota Democrats have a narrow one-seat majority in the Senate. If only ONE Democrat votes against it, the bill will be killed.


We’ve narrowed down the TOP 4 vulnerable Democrat targets and are ready to launch our pressure campaign to bring them heat.


Kathleen, here’s what I need from you:


My team is ready to deploy lit droppers as early as tomorrow morning to target Senators Judy Seeberger, Grant Hauschild, Rob Kupec, and Aric Putnam.


We can use volunteers who are willing to go door to door and place our flyers in key neighborhoods in the Hastings, Cottage Grove, Ely, International Falls, St Cloud, and Moorhead areas.


If you would like to help me, please sign up on the link below and I’ll have William reach out to you ASAP.



I know a lot of people can’t afford to take time off during a week day. Many of us have jobs or raise kids all day.


So if you want to help, please RUSH IN a donation to help us pay our field operatives that I’m hiring for this important mission. Money will also go towards printing and fuel costs. Anything helps.



One last thing…


You can also help a lot by contacting the most vulnerable senators and tell them to VOTE NO on the Transgender Sanctuary Bill.


Help us FLOOD the voicemail and email inboxes of these vulnerable Democrat Senators. Here’s their information:


Judy Seeberger (SD 41)



Grant Hauschild (SD 3)



Rob Kupec (SD 4)



Aric Putnam (SD 14)



If we want to save the children, the time to act is now.


Whether you are making your voice heard at the Capitol, on the phone, or by giving generously to the cause, your contributions are appreciated.


Jake Duesenberg

President, Action 4 Liberty


P.S. My team is ready to deploy lit droppers as early as tomorrow morning to target Senators Judy Seeberger, Grant Hauschild, Rob Kupec, and Aric Putnam.


We need to pay for travel expenses, printing costs, and extra door-knockers. Can you chip in $100, $50, or even $25 right now?


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x