Gays Against Groomers is going down in flames (or flamers)?

More of the leadership is jumping ship, most likely because people are calling out the grift, and pro-family activists are exposing the truth about these activists.

Many of them traffic in pornography. A number of them have OnlyFans accounts. They want to groom kids to believe that two men or two women can be married, and a number of them post explicit, sexual perversion on their social media accounts.

And some of them, like Mario Estrada, aka Mario Presents, think that it’s OK for men to use women’s restrooms.

Well, Mario finally announced that he is quitting “Gays Against Groomers”:


And here’s the longer “story”:

Activated American

You will notice at length that he is more interested in promoting himself, starting with “I have always stood out from the crowd,” and then moves on from there. He says on his Twitter feed that his national “work” took his attention away from local issues. But if you read his more lenghty statement, he talks about the dissension and drama among the other homosexuals and transgenders.

He subtly admits that none of them really care about the kids (or the parents). They only care about themselves, about presenting themselves as virtuous, all while pushing perversion. Again, “Gays Against Groomers” makes a much sense as “Drug Addicts for Abstinence” or “Nationalists for Open Borders.” It’s a complete philosophical, ethical, and moral fraud.

But he’s not the only groomer from Gays Against Groomers who is calling it quits.

Frank Rodriguez has decided that he wants to “run for office”:

We told the public for a long time that this whole operation was about individuals with serious problems wanting to normalize their destructive habits. Homosexuality and transgenderism are mental illnesses, and we should not be celebrating or promoting individuals who are knee-deep (or head-deep) into these destructive habits.

Enough is enough, folks. It’s time to stop normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism in the conservative or liberty movements around the country, around the world. There is simply no place for this madness.

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