The Redondo Beach City council needs to revisit and reject the Pride resolution, flag waving, and discussion on some plaque commemoration. 

I agree with Redondo Beach resident Gary Mlynek: veterans get only one day, but the city wants to celebrate sexual perversion and destruction for an entire month? What is really going on here? 

Nils Nehrenheim made a great point that there is little inclusion among the pride flags – 32 of them and counting. Why add more fuel to the fire with all this division. The American Flag represents us all, and that is good enough. 

Laura Emdee mentioned that we should celebrate Pride month because they were a group that suffered persecution. First of all, it’s the general public that now suffers persecution. LGBT ideology is shoved in our faces, having gone from the bedroom, to the boardroom, and now the classroom. Parents in Redondo Beach are protesting LGBT and CRT ideology being forced on their children! 

And let’s forget the florists, bakers, photographers, businessman, teachers, parents who have faced fines, lawsuits, deplatforming, cancellation, and even jailtime for refusing to celebrate these destructive behaviors. This is no longer about “Love is Love” or “Consenting adults in private.” This is intolerant tyranny based on lies, and not something to celebrate. 

Furthermore, Christians are persecuted all over the world every day. What about them? How about the Muslim Uighurs in Western China? But Christians don’t even have a basketball player to rally for them. 

The counter-point is often “but people are born gay or trans.” That is a flat-out lie. 

People are not born gay, nor are they born in the wrong body. A recent longitudinal study by MIT and Stanford researchers confirmed this well-known fact. There is no gay gene. Another longitudinal study by Swedish researchers confirmed that inducing individuals to mutilate their bodies with hormones and surgeries do not solve the underlying issues. 

Not to mention the fact that there are millions of people around the world who leave homosexuality and transgenderism. The staggering number of de-transitioners alone prove that this whole LGBT cult is harmful to individuals and should not be celebrated. 

Homosexual conduct is inherently harmful. It’s a misuse of organs, like shoving a straw up one’s nose to drink. Psychological reports, the Center for Disease Control, and the National Institute for Health have all documented the numerous health problems associated with homosexuality and transgenderism, with an average lifespan is cut by 20%, and this is in the most LGBT affirming countries. It has nothing do with persecution, but the inherent harmed caused by these behaviors. These behaviors are a response to abuse, neglect, confusion, molestation, and/or shame. They require treatment, not enabling. 

Councilman Lowenstein said “I feel sorry for you if you think the Pride Flag is political.” I feel sorry for him, because he doesn’t have the courage to tell the truth, and he is more afraid of being called “homophobic” on social media. 

The majority of residents wrote in opposition to this Pride resolution. You need to respect their wishes and reject this perverse promotion. 

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