State Rep. Sherman:


My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Field Director for MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference.


I just came across this report, sent to me by one of our Florida MassResistance chapter leaders:

I am absolutely thrilled with your bold move to put an end to same-sex “marriage” in the state of Iowa.


This perversion has wreaked nothing but havoc on this country. Frankly, if the country had a stronger moral fiber, civil war would have broken out across the land by now over this travesty.


As I am sure you already know, the Republican Party was founded on ending the twin relics of barbarism: slavery and polygamy.


Polygamy is one of many attacks on natural right and natural law, and the natural family. It’s time for the GOP to restore its roots and fight for the family.


I cannot thank you enough for submitting this legislation. I have been talking to lawmakers throughout the country to introduce similar legislation for the last two years!


The pro-family movement must learn from the pro-life movement, i.e. legislators need to start picking fights with the federal court system and challenge their vile, abortive legal decisions like Obergefell v. Hodges.


Moreover, state governments need to reassert their Tenth Amendment authority to the fullest and disallow the Feds from undermining the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.


And that section of your legislation stands out particularly for me:


 “In accordance with the laws of nature and nature’s God, the state of Iowa recognizes the definition of marriage to be the solemnized union between one human biological male and one human biological female.”


I cannot praise you and your colleagues enough for restoring recognition of “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” That is exactly what our country needs. We need to get back to our moral foundation as a country: Natural Law, our Anglo-American legal tradition, and our Judeo-Christian heritage, and this move includes restoring the proper definition of marriage.


This is truly excellent.


Make Male and Female Great Again

Make Marriage Great Again

Make Mom and Dad Great Again


Please contact me anytime so that we can assist with passage of this legislation. We have some activists in Iowa whom I know would love to assist you with this effort.



Arthur Schaper

Field Director


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