Bruce Williams: “I don’t believe in anything, and you need to believe me!”

Bruce Williams of Gillette, Wyoming is a useless gadfly. He loves using big words, he loves threatening people with lawsuits, and he loves making fun of people who believe in God.

He doesn’t believe in God, supposedly, but if one considers his actions and his rhetoric, one can see that the truth is that he thinks he is God. I guess he’s really upset that no one believes him, or believes in him …

At any rate, for a guy who doesn’t believe that there is a divine power or being, one has to wonder where he gets his interesting ideas about right and wrong. One has to wonder why he thinks anyone should care what he has to say about anything.

He goes to court all the time and wants to sue people. No one takes him seriously, since his lawsuits are often frivilous. The fool has said in his heart: “I’m going to sue you because I don’t like what you say, think, or believe!”

For some reason, Bruce felt compelled to go off on George Washington, the fact that he did not take communion. Really?

It’s true indeed that the FOOL has said in his heart that there is no God. President Washington was not hostile to faith, religion, God, or the Holy Communion, for that matter:

According to Martha Washington’s youngest granddaughter, Nelly Custis Lewis, George Washington regularly took communion prior to the Revolution, but did not after the war. There is evidence from his financial papers that Washington supplied wine for the communion service at Pohick Church before he left for the war.

And he held the Bible (not pornography!) in high esteem:

Did Washington see a role for religion in the new United States?

Absolutely.  Washington believed that democracy could quickly become anarchy unless the American people had a strong moral grounding.  In his 1796 Farewell Address to the country, in which he announced that he would retire from the presidency at the end of his second term, Washington reminded his countrymen that not even a good education could make up for a lack of religion in people’s lives:  “Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.  Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

And the fact that this guy actually said “You can sexualize children about anything,” is beyond shocking, and outright disgusting!

Bruce Williams needs to explain to the Campbel County public why he thinks perverse materials like This Book is Gay and Gender Queer should be around children, by the way.

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