http://host. madison. com/wsj/news/opinion/editorial/compromise-was-key-to-crafting-constitution/article_76409866-feb8-11e1-8b04-001a4bcf887a. htmlThe Wisconsin State Journal’s article on the core component
of compromise in creating the Constitution was a welcome piece of political
science and American political history.

Indeed, compromise was key to crafting the Constitution, and
we should applaud the stern diligence of the delegates. Moreover, I am certain
that the editorial board offered this piece in part to criticize our current
Congressional leaders, who refuse to compromise.

Unfortunately, compromise in the name of “getting things
done” has also led to the raid on our individual liberties and has compromised
the sovereignty and autonomy of the states.

Through calculated compromise, Democrats and Republicans
have exploded the public debt with trillion dollar deficits and entitlement spending,
handouts, bailouts, and ultimately selling out the core principles and the
enumerated powers of our Constitution.

“Tea Party” Congressman refuse to budge unless the federal government
cuts the spending and limits the scale and scope of government. After fifty years
of pretended claims and broken promises, voters in this country are sending
representatives to Congress who will stop and nothing to stop the spending,
even if it means preventing the raising of the debt ceiling and shutting down the
federal government.

The path of spending, government waste, and revenue loss cannot
continue, and compromise will mean
nothing without real cuts.

If compromise is going to work, then every member of
Congress must agree to lose something for their constituents, for their war
chests, or we will all lose this country under a tsunami of debt.

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