Mike Castle deserved, no deserves, to be Delaware’s Senator. He is competent, consistent,
and connected. Tea Party Republicans have been lacking the connected part for
the past two cycles. It’s not enough to be fired up, but other people have to
be fired up with you. It’s not enough to feel oppressed by a repressive
government; other people have to see the oppression that you feel. Castle
understood this, and so did the voters in the First State, who just named a bike
trail in his honor.

2010 was great: The Chicago Stock Exchange spokesman
yelled on the floor, demanding that it was high-time for a “Tea Party”. The Tea Party movement stormed the National
Mall. Sarah Palin decried ObamaCare’s Death Panels. 2014 can be a greater, without
the GOP infighting between the raging populists and sage establishment. Mike
Castle represents this pathway for Tea Party populists and Establishment
pragmatists to work together and cut the spending, lower taxes, and decentralize
federal power back to the states.

With all due respect, the only “RINO” in Delaware
2010 was O’Donnell, not Castle. Her “ideological” perfection was the enemy of
Castle’s pragmatic “good enough”. Castle was good enough in 2010. He would be
good enough in 2014. The Delaware GOP catch a break, catch a win, and help the
GOP catch fire with a new Fifty-State Strategy with Castle in 2014. As for O’Donnell,
let her run for dogcatcher.

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