Muratsuchi and Moonbeam
Former Torrance Unified School Board member Al Muratsuchi is running for state assembly, District 66 in 2016.
He already lost once. Does the South Bay really want him back?

Well, the following people do, but they do not live in the South Bay, and aside from their questionable influence in Sacramento, their opinion is nill (or null and void). Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins
Could anything be any more brazenly partisan if not petty?
Excuse me?! The State Assembly Speaker is already on the war path to get rid of David Hadley. Well, so much for cooperation in the best interests of all California residents.
Besides, Atkins has already been under investigation for corruption.

The San Diego Reader once asked:Is Assembly Leader Toni Atkins cashing in on homelessness?
And then there was this more report

“Lesbian CA lawmaker Toni Atkins and wife accused of cronyism”:Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, a lesbian whose wife, Jennifer LeSar, heads LeSar Development Consultants, which specializes in affordable housing, has been accused of conflict of interest for her proposal that California hand out $500 million for apartments for low-income residents.
Ouch! Does anyone in Sacramento not reap of corruption allegations in Sacramento? Maybe Roderick Wright will endorse Muratsuchi too. After all, he only served seventy-one minutes in jail following his eight felony convictions for perjury and voter fraud. “Only”.

How about this “endorsement”:

Al with Maxine Waters aka “The Crazy Black Lady”
Why would anyone want to in the same picture, let alone the same room as this woman? She is an embarrassment, from the ethics probes against her and the connections of sending TARP money to banks connected with her husband. Her frequently irreverent, offensive, and patently false rhetoric should turn off anyone seeking her support let alone endorsement for anything.
Let me tell you what “this liberal is going to be all about”: not voting for Al Muratsuchi in 2016.

Then there’s this guy:

State Senate President Kevin De Leon
State senate president Kevin de Leon has already been under investigation for voter fraud, because he reportedly does not live where he says he lives, a la Roderick Wright. The FBI has also searched into his Sacramento dealings in connection with arrested and now indicted former state senator Ron Calderon
Muratsuchi has a roster (or rapsheet) of endorsements so far. Does he still want to run?
And not one person who lives in the 66th Assembly District of note.
Aside from. . .

Tim Goodrich
Torrance City Councilmember Tim Goodrich ran on a platform of “Back to Basics” for the Balanced City, but his imbalanced, left-wing approach to governance, including a brief yet failed bid to push the expensive, unsustainable, and deeply unpopular Community Choice Aggregation energy model.
And of course, his past as an anti-war protestor has raised hackles among city residents. Still he marched in the Torrance Armed Forces Day parade, then reminded everyone in the City Council chambers the next sessions that he was riding in a Tesla. Green energy is still the first thing on Goodrich’s mind.
What about jobs, education, sound tax and public transit infrastructure?
The best advice I could give to Al at this point: “I don’t want you to look foolish, but. . .”
So, does “Aloof Al” have a chance of getting the 66th Assembly District?
A couple of factors suggest no.
First of all, the last time that the South Bay was a swing district, 1998-2000, Congresswoman Jane Harman resigned her seat to run for Governor. She lost in the primary to Gray Davis, then she ran for her old seat and won again.
The key point to keep in mind: Jane Harman did not lose her seat.
Al did. Even though Hadley’s margin of victory was slim 706 votes, everything matters, and Muratuschi is going into this race as the loser.
Elected officials who had endorsed him in prior elections have chosen to support David Hadley as well.
His prior record in the state assembly will not engage people to give him another chance, either.
During his brief tenure in the state assembly, he did not work hard forming strong connections with local businesses or with other concerned parties in the district. He had hosted an aerospace meeting
One report indicated that Muratsuchi was poised to vote against his party on an issue, then a few party leaders pulled him aside and told him to change his vote. Which he did.
So much for South Bay values ahead of Sacramento “principles”.

One local political commentator shared with me:One reason why there is overlap of donor bases between Aunt Janice and Republican Assemblyman David Hadley, because Uncle David has approached those business owners and met with business owners inside and outside his district . . .” It is one reason why he will be re-elected to his Assembly seat over Muratsuchi who ignored area business owners, taking their wealth for granted. Another is he will gain some of Muratsuchi’s voters who regularly vote for incumbents, this is called the “Cult of Incumbency”. There are other reasons as well, among them David Hadley is running scared and is highly motivated to do his job to keep his office, while Muratsuchi was not when he was the Assembly member and people will remember that despite what spin Muratsuchi will try to employ to win. Also David was able to get legislation that helped his district through both houses of the State Legislature despite threats from The Assembly Speaker that she would crush him.
Hadley has done a remarkable job promoting bipartisan legislation which benefits a number of sectors in the South Bay as well as throughout the state of California. While the local and statewide media have not reported on his achievements, local leaders and activists have informed the region of their current Asssemblyman’s achievements, which should highlight and heighten his reelection chances in 2016.

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