the New York Times
:Trump Says He Didn’t Know He Employed Illegal Aliens
Donald J. Trump took the witness stand yesterday to deny
seven-year-old charges that he knowingly used 200 undocumented workers to
demolish the old Bonwit Teller building to make way for Trump Tower, the
glittering centerpiece of his real-estate empire.
Ouch! Illegal aliens were working on a construction project in his media empire? The union members, led by a retired demolition worker, Harry
Diduck, charge that by using undocumented workers Mr. Trump avoided paying
their pension fund. They say he should now pay $1 million, including interest. They also contend that Kaszycki & Sons never paid the
workers all they were owed, and that Trump subordinates threatened deportation
when they tried to collect.
Mr. Trump was cool and confident in a case that comes to
court just after he faced severe cash shortages in his real-estate and casino
empire. He said he rarely visited the demolition site and knew little about its
OK, so Trump supposedly did not know that illegal aliens were working for him.
Yet this charge has come up again. CNN reports
:If Donald Trump is elected president, he wants to send
undocumented immigrants like Ricardo Aca back to Mexico.
There’s just one hitch for the 2016 presidential candidate:
Aca works in the Trump Soho Hotel in New York City.
More illegals working in his properties? So, he wants to build a big, beautiful wall with a nice door in the middle. This country also needs E-Verify to ensure that prospective hires are not illegals, too. I have not heard him mention this necessary reform.
Ricarda Aca is still an illegal alien, regardless of the President’s executive orders.
He crossed the border illegally. He is a criminal. He has broken the law. He needs to be deported.
What did Donald Trump say? When Trump was asked specifically about Aca, he told The New
York Times: “He’s got a legal work permit. I’ve heard he does a good job.
We thought he was an illegal immigrant at first.”
Trump said he wouldn’t push for any punishment, and Aca was
at work as usual on Wednesday. The video Aca made with the New Left Media
project is starting to go viral with over 32,000 shares on Facebook.
What?! Trump is letting him stay in this country and work here? Huh?!
Ricardo Aca is arrogant. He is a proud American, he claims. He is not a legal resident of this country. He then declares that he is a proud Mexican. Excuse me?! No, this is America. If you want to live here, to it legally.
Mr. Trump, we are waiting. Are you going to enforce the immigration laws in your own real estate empire? Donald Trump (Credit: Gage Skidmore)
There’s more. The Washington Pos
t reports:For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America
have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown
Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest
luxury hotels.
Dozens. . . from Latin America. Aren’t there enough American laborers in the Washington area? But that job site is now laden with tension after the man
behind the project — billionaire developer Donald Trump — put himself at the
center of the nation’s debate over illegal immigration.
Trump garnered headlines — and prompted several business
associates to sever relations with him — when he launched his bid for the
Republican presidential nomination last month with a controversial description
of drug dealers and “rapists” crossing the border each day into the United States
from Mexico.
For the record, Donald Trump never declared that all Mexicans are this or that. He did point out rightly that a number of miscreant elements are pouring across the Southern border, hurting our country and communities throughout.

One laborer, now a legal resident, spoke on behalf his fellow workers, many of whom remain illegal aliens:”It’s something ironic,” said Ivan Arellano, 29, who is from
Mexico and obtained legal status through marriage. He now works as a mason
laying the stonework for the lobby floor and walls of what will become the
Trump International Hotel.
“The majority of us are Hispanics, many who came illegally,”
Arellano said in Spanish. “And we’re all here working very hard to build a
better life for our families.”
“Many who came illegally. . .”
Charity begins at home. Those workers need to get in line, get legal, and then get working.
Integrity begins at home. Donald Trump needs to scour the employment throughout his property, media, and real estate empire. He should start deporting the illegals working for his company before talking about building a big beautiful wall with one big door in the middle along the Southern border.

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