check it out here.

Here’s the title of the article:U. S. Hate Group MassResistance Behind Anti-LGBT Activitiesin Taiwan

Here’s the passage where he calls MassResistance a “hate group”:The U. S.-based Southern Poverty Law Center lists
MassResistance as a hate group and one of the 18 top anti-gay groups in the
United States. Among other things, the group claims that gays are also trying
to get legislation allowing sex with animals and to lure children into
homosexuality and sadomasochism. Typical of the conspiracy theories associated
with such organizations — some of which believe that the American Psychiatric
Association is controlled by homosexuals — MassResistance also accuses the CIA
and FBI of having a “homosexual agenda.
Shameful, elitist, and ignorant.
I had reached out to him to get some answers.
Instead of answering them, he dodged and hedged, mocked me, then blocked me on Twitter!

Check out his first hateful comment to my basic, decent uestion:

@JMichaelCole1 Why do you call @MassResistance a hate group? Please explain. #CaliforniaMassResistance#NaturalMarriage#ChildrensRightspic. twitter. com/pl9LLutmry
— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) January 13, 2017

Here was his response:@ArthurCSchaper@MassResistance As Browning would say, Let me count the ways…
— J Michael Cole (寇謐將) (@JMichaelCole1) January 13, 2017
So he claims there are many reasons why he believes that MassResistance is a hate group.
Can’t he name at least one?

I then tweeted:@JMichaelCole1@MassResistance And Browning wrote about Love, not hate. You are mixing metaphors. Why do you resist answering my question?
— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) January 13, 2017

And this was his timid answer:

@ArthurCSchaper@MassResistance I don’t resist anything. Just too busy to engage in futile “debates” with people who cannot be debated with.
— J Michael Cole (寇謐將) (@JMichaelCole1) January 15, 2017
Notice once again hiis ad hominem attacks.
He has no capacity to respond. He is further exposing himself as a left-wing propagandist instead of a professional journalist.

This was my next response:@JMichaelCole1@MassResistance Why do you say that? You have not even bothered to answer a question.
— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) January 15, 2017
The Left cannot debate, they cannot discuss. The demean people and demagogue issues.
Nothing else.

I then tweeted to the public at large:
This is the classic tactic of the Left. They cannot debate, so they resort to name-calling and condescension. #FakeNews#RetweetTheHatehttps://t. co/neqvtL4QkU
— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) January 15, 2017

Here is J. Michael Cole’s mature response:
He blocked me.
I have found this to be a common response from corrupt or unjust journalists who spend more time pushing a hateful narrative or left-wing agenda.
They cannot debate.
They will not discuss issues.
They only shame their opponents and seek to smear or silence them.
Apparently, he was not ready for some to punch back at his #FakeNews narrative.

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