as the MCO tax money which I’ve been saying theDemocrats were padding in the federal healthcare dollars to help pay
for the illegal alien healthcare. Most of the reports I’ve seen have put
the amount at from $1.1 billion to $1.7 billion but here’s one that has
this exact figure.”The three-year tax on managed care organizations is expected to
bring in nearly $1.4 billion a year to fund Medi-Cal, the state-federal government health program for people with lowincomes.”That could mean the incoming Trump team has identified this scam and
has called California on it.
How about no taxes? How about enforcing our immigration laws?
Illegal aliens need to go. They should not be getting any benefits from this state, except an easy ride to the border, where they get in line to enter legally or not come back at all.
H/T Janet West

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