Robert Reich (Credit: Danorton)
Now the Democratic Party is heading into another political
wilderness, from which the leaders have no interest in listening or learning
from their mistakes.
Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton and
current pseudo-intellectual for MoveOn. org, is trying to wake up and save
the Democratic Party
:The ongoing contest between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders
wings of the Democratic Party continues to divide Democrats.
This fight is going from bad to worse, no doubt about it.

Reich then declares some sobering news for Democrats (but great
news for the rest of us):
The [Democratic] Party is on life support.
No kidding!

Reich listed the reasons:
1. Democrats are in the minority in both the House and Senate,
with no end in sight.
Democrats are going to face a horrendous Senate map in 2018. In at
last five of the 23 seats they have to defend, both Republican Presidential
candidates carried those states. In three more. Trump won, and Republicans are
dominating at the state level in the legislature as well as the governors’
The Democratic Party is not going to pick up enough House seats to
win back the lower chamber, either. The districts have either been safely drawn
to protect (Republican) incumbents, and states with Republican dominance are
actually prospering or growing.
Besides, non-Presidential election years are better for
Republicans, since they have the larger share of likely voters. And Donald
Trump is waging unprecedented successes already.
2. Democrats lost 1,034 state and federal seats. They hold only 17
governorships, and face 32 state legislatures fully under GOP control.
OUCH! Just let those numbers sink in. Republicans have had their
troubles, during the 1930’s and shortly after the Watergate Scandal. Both
times, however, Republicans bounced back.
3. No one speaks for the party as a whole.
What does the Democratic Party stand for? More socialism? Bigger
government? Anarchism? Tolerance for international and domestic terrorist
groups? Rampant corruption?4. The Party’s top leaders are aging, and the back bench is thin.
They current Senate Minority and House minority leaders are
continuing to embrace the very policies which have ensured Democratic
minorities for years to come. Arrogance, elitist, out of touch, in bondage to
wealthy donors in remote coastal enclaves with no understanding of what every
day Americans are enduring.

What’s worse for Reich, though, is that he fails to see past the
populist mantra to the Constitutional republicanism re-installing itself in
Washington DC:We are now in a populist era. The strongest and most powerful
force in American politics is a rejection of the status quo, a repudiation of
politics as usual, and a deep and profound distrust of elites, including the
current power structure of America.
The problem that Reich and other regressive Democrats are ignoring
is that … socialist policies like the massive redistributionist policies he
favors have become … the status quo.
Young people and their parents are relearning the blessings of
liberty. They have experienced eight years of command-control governance, and
they do not like it.
It’s costly.
It’s corrupt.
It’s vastly ineffective.
All the hopes and dreams which regressive leftists imparted to
Barack Obama are all about to be done away with through the flick of a pen and
the use of a phone.
Such is the result of Big Government hubris, now brought low by

Reich continues to diagnose the near-fatal status of the
Democratic Party with:
1. Big moneyed interests subsidizing candidates, who in turn
reward special interests and their greedy limited goals.

2. The destruction of labor unions, particularly public sector

In response to these two issues:
The Democratic Party establishment chose the most corrupt,
colluding Presidential candidates in modern times. She was a Wall Street puppet
from Day One. Further, Democratic policies by their very nature help Big Business
to do its dirty deeds, regardless of the hollow mantras of the Democratic Party
as “The Working Man’s Party.”
As for Big Labor, this phalanx represents the perverse and
disastrous consequences of big government collectivism. Men and women have been
forced to join syndicates and subsidize their left-wing, destructive policies.
Cities and now states are going bankrupt as the bills now have to be paid.
The Democratic Power has played the public with their control of
the media to spout lies about Republicans and conservatives. Now that the media
is crashing and burning, the Democratic Party has nothing left but to consider
embracing conservative ideals for a change or go further into irrelevance and
decay with a doubling down on socialism.
It’s no wonder, then, the Democratic Party is on life support, and
with no viable ideas with respect to God, country, and citizenry, they will end
up in the ash heap of history just like the Soviet Union and other communistic
regimes around the world.

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