We The People Rising http://wethepeoplerising. comEMAILrobinhvidston@wethepeoplerising. com
or rhvidston1@yahoo. comEmail not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. CA State Senate President Kevin de Leon’s L. A. OfficeDrop-In Citizen Lobby Visit: OPPOSING his Sanctuary State BillLos Angeles, CA District Office 5/14/17
Report by RobinHvidston
VIDEOS:Trump supporters visited CA State Senate President Kevin de Leon’s district office to hand deliver a copy of the City of Glendora letter in opposition to SB 54, the Sanctuary State bill. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=Qp5xnM80qI8Grindall61 Video
– After the director called officers, at about 17:51 in the video, the Trump Supporters announce that out of respect to the officer, they will leave the office. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=M_ejaG4FZLMArthur Schaper’s video – We the People Rising at De Leon’s Office: They Call the Cops On Ushttps://www. youtube. com/watch? v=VNoMYnhTFqwInside of the CA Senate President Kevin de Leon’s Los Angeles district office. CA State Senate President Kevin de Leon is the author of the Sanctuary State bill. Citizen Lobbyists/Trump Supporters visited CA State Senate President Kevin de Leon’s Los Angeles office in order to hand deliver a copy of the City of Glendora’s Sanctuary State opposition letter. View a copy of the letter below. COPY OF THE CITY OF GLENDORA LETTER
The Director of Senator Kevin de Leon’s Los Angeles district office met with the Trump supporters and accepted the copy of the Glendora City Council letter. However, the Director would not state his name. When RobinHvidston asked him for his business card, he handed her the business card below for a staff member by the name of Helen Amelga. Senator Kevin de Leon’s office. Senator Kevin de Leon’s Director called an officer after Trump Supporters agreed to email to request an appointment with Senator Kevin de Leon. The group repeatedly asked what time the office normally closes as it was only 4:30pm. The Director then would no longer respond so the group took photos of the public reception area and also filmed the Spanish language materials in the office. Of about 12 stacks of brochures, 8 of those stacks were Spanish language brochures. Eventually an officer arrived. He was friendly and appeared to be in good spirits. After the Director would not state what time the office routinely closes, as it was only 4:30pm, Raul Rodriguez announced that out of respect to officer, the group would vacate the premises. So after a quick photo, above, with the officer, the Trump Supporters left the office. After the director called officers, at about 17:51 in the video, the Trump Supporters announce that out of respect to the officer, they will leave the office. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=M_ejaG4FZLMSPANISH LANGUAGE BROCHURESThe above flyer, in Spanish, informs illegals that they do not have to open the door if an immigration officer arrives at their home. It also states that illegals should remain silent and contact an attorney.

CALL CA State Senate President Kevin de Leon and let him know that you oppose his Sanctuary State bill SB 54! TELL HIM TO SHELVE THE BILL! SENATOR KEVIN DE LEON
http://sd24. senate. ca. gov/(916) 651-4024https://twitter. com/kdeleon
https://www. facebook. com/KevinDeLeonKDL/

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