We The People Rising http://wethepeoplerising. comEMAILrobinhvidston@wethepeoplerising. comEmail not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Below is the announcement, an email, from pro illegal and anti Trump Orange County Democrat Congressman Lou Correa, who replaced former Congress Member Loretta Sanchez. He also recently held a town hall meeting to instruct illegal aliens on how to avoid being detained by immigration officials. The meeting was shut down when a large contingency of Trump supporters verbally sparred with the congressman. He also began a public meeting without saying the Pledge of Allegiance and when citizens requested it be said, he refused, so the citizens rebelled and said the Pledge of Allegiance at the meeting. VIDEO
: https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=fjM2D2kFukkPLEASE CALL CONGRESSMAN LOU CORREA. Tell him to stop promoting federal lawbreaking! Help Americans First! 202-225-2965
https://correa. house. gov/DACA Has Been SavedRep. Correa speaking on the importance of protecting DACA recipient at a press conference
Five years ago, DACA was created to protect kids who are American in every sense expect for a piece of paper. On Friday, after months of fear and anxiety, DACA was saved. These young people are as American as any of us. We must do everything we can to protect them and ensure they stay here in the only home they’ve ever known. Watch the press conference here.
https://www. facebook. com/RepLouCorrea/videos/1872341813017535/
ICE RELEASED 30,000 convicted criminal aliens in 2014
(and another 36,000 in 2013), according to data obtained by the House Judiciary Committee. The president’s executive actions are part of a larger strategy to allow as many illegal aliens as possible to remain in the United States. That policy has added to the 347,000 convicted criminal aliens who are currently released into the interior, 1,400 of whom are known to have committed new crimes. Their victims are collateral damage of federal government’s sanctuary policies. http://thehill. com/opinion/op-ed/248643-sanctuary-cities-legislation-must-tackle-sanctuary-nation-policiesOBAMA SANCTIONED PRISON RELEASE: 36,000 deportable criminals released back onto U. S. soil in 2013, which included murderers, rapists, and child molesters. http://lamarsmith. house. gov/media-center/press-releases/smith-ice-authorizes-worst-prison-break-in-history

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