I love getting these eblasts/newsletter updates from pro-liberty associations fighting to protect our rights. The Right to Work Movement is crucial, and they are following every aspect of Trump’s agenda to see through the best reforms and rulings for all workers.
Check out the latest victory:That was brutal, Arthur.
The United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee just concluded their first confirmation hearing for William Emanuel and Marvin Kaplan. William EmanuelUnion-label Senators Al Franken and Elizabeth Warren barked out every talking point spoon-fed to them by their union boss friends on the Hill. That’s because union bosses know their Obama-Big Labor stranglehold over the National Labor Relations Board will come to an end if President Trump’s two nominees are confirmed. But as I explain below, time’s running out to confirm Emanuel and Kaplan before the summer recess. And every day the NLRB remains under siege by the Obama-Big Labor majority is another opportunity for union bosses to implement forced-unionism into every corner of the economy. So please, sign your petition to Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U. S. Senators, urging them to confirm President Trump’s nominees right away. After you’ve signed your petition, please pitch in $10, $25 or more to help your Committee defeat the union bosses and end the Obama-Big Labor stranglehold over the NLRB. Mark Mix
——Begin forwarded message——Our backs are up against the wall, Arthur. The U. S. Senate adjourns for summer recess in just a few short weeks. But two of President Trump vital nominees are STILL waiting to be confirmed to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)! You see, political experts agree that William Emanuel and Marvin Kaplan would join current Chairman, Philip Miscimarra, and effectively end the Obama-Big Labor stranglehold over the NLRB. Big Labor’s allies in the Senate, like Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren, use every trick to slow the confirmation process to a crawl. The truth is, the fate of Kaplan’s and Emanuel’s confirmation lies in the hands of Senator Mitch McConnell. As the Senate Majority Leader, McConnell controls the floor schedule and when these votes will occur. So it’s up to him to schedule the vote to end the Obama-Big Labor reign on the NLRB. From gutting hard-fought Supreme Court decisions, to greenlighting “ambush elections” for union bosses, the Obama-Big Labor NLRB has done everything in its power to mandate forced-unionism in the workplace. And every day the Obama-Big Labor NLRB remains in power is another day they can ram through suffocating new regulations and handouts to union bosses. Simply put, Majority Leader McConnell needs to move quickly and schedule a vote before the Senate goes on recess. That’s why it’s vital you sign your petition to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Lamar Alexander, and your U. S. Senators right away. Meanwhile, Big Labor’s henchmen are descending on the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions with orders to derail the confirmation process. That’s because the committee is hosting the first confirmation hearing for President Trump’s nominees this Thursday…. So your immediate action is crucial — now more than ever — in the fight to put an end to Obama’s stranglehold on the NLRB. Even though it’s been over 170 days since President Trump took office, Obama’s bureaucrats are STILL running the NLRB. Corrupting the NLRB into yet another organizing tool for Big Labor, the Obama-Big Labor stacked NLRB sided against workers and business owners alike — crippling economic recovery. The good news is, all of this can be reversed by ending the Obama-Big Labor majority on the NLRB. And that starts with confirming President Trump’s nominees to the NLRB. But as we’ve seen, Big Labor and their political allies still have clout. Not only did they force President Trump’s first pick for Department of Labor Secretary to withdraw after it was apparent there weren’t enough votes for his confirmation…… But Vice-President Mike Pence was even forced to cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm another nominee opposed by Big Labor. In order to reverse and repair eight years of damage wrought by the Obama-Big Labor NLRB, EACH of President Trump’s nominees needs to be confirmed right away.
That’s why it’s vital you:1. Sign your petition to your U. S. Senators and HELP Chairman Lamar Alexander
, urging them to waste no time in confirming President Trump’s nominees to the NLRB; 2. Forward this email to every like-minded friend and family member you know
so your Committee can counter Big Labor’s efforts to derail the confirmation process;3. Pitch in $10, $25 or more after you’ve signed your petition and forwarded this email, to fuel your Committee’s state-of-the-art digital petition drive. It’s because of the efforts of Right to Work supporters like you — demanding President Trump’s nominees to be confirmed immediately — that the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) is having their first confirmation hearing Thursday. Which means your Committee is in overdrive to keep the pressure on the members of the HELP Committee. But the key to ending Obama’s stranglehold on the NLRB and confirming President Trump’s nominees lies in the hands of Majority Leader McConnell. That’s why your generous support is vital. So after you’ve signed your petition and forwarded this email to your friends and family members, please pitch in $10, $25 or more to end Obama’s stranglehold on the NLRB. Sincerely, Mark MixPresident, National Right to WorkP. S. With the Senate’s summer recess right around the corner, our backs are up against the wall. That’s why it’s vital Mitch McConnell immediately schedules a vote to confirm President Trump’s NLRB nominees. But Big Labor’s henchmen are descending on the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Thursday with orders to derail the confirmation hearing. That’s why it’s vital you sign your petition to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Lamar Alexander, and your U. S. Senators right away. With such a crucial confirmation battle against Big Labor, I have to ask for more than your signed petition.
Please forward this email
to your friends and family members — asking them to do the same — and pitch in $10, $25 or more to help your Committee combat Big Labor.
The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee’s mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is
http://nrtwc. org/Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.
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