It is with sadness that I write to inform our membership, thatour Executive Director for the past four and a half years, JasonMaruca, will be leaving RPLAC to pursue other opportunities in
the world of politics. Jason has been an invaluable member of our team, and played asignificant role in turning RPLAC into a credible politicalorganization. With so many diverse regions, issues, campaignsand personalities, organizing such a large political operation wasno easy task, and Jason played a major role in creating a fully
functioning county party, focused on winning elections. We will have an announcement shortly regarding the RPLACteam moving forward. Our goal is to make this transition assmooth as possible. We all owe Jason a debt of gratitude for his tireless efforts onbehalf of RPLAC. We wish him great success in all his futureendeavors! Thank you all. RichardHi My name is “Munger Puppet”Except Munger just took his hand out of my a—-“Richard ShermanChairmanRepublican Party of Los Angeles County
Well isn’t that something?!”Hookt on Fonix werkt for mee!”
Jason Maruca is moving on.
Why, though?
Because Chuckles Munger Jr. has cut off all the money.
He isn’t paying for the overhead anymore for the overpaid, costly hotel rooms where the useless Central Committee used to hold their monthly Executive Committee meetings.
How about that?!
Big Money has pretty much worked over everyone in Los Angeles County. Did the liberal Establishment fools really think that bending over for liberal loonies and the Big Money RINOs like Charles Munger Jr. s was going to work out for them in the end? Wow, they sure got played didn’t they!
Ha Ha!
Munger cut off the money, and now they have nothing left! That’s what you get, folks, when you dishonor your base and lie to the public about hard-working conservatives who want to Make California Great Again and stop the political corruption eating away at this entire state.

Then again, though, what’s the point of trying to sell people on our brand when our own party is just as corrupt?!

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