The Advocate is on the warpath again.
They don’t seem to understand that the more that they try to shame me for my strong views on life and family, the more that they fail.

Check out their latest attempt to hate below:
And the few commentaries we did find were over the moon, such as Arthur Schaper on BarbWire lauding both the so-called religious freedom guidance and the contraceptive exemption. “Instead of going along with these corrupt, perverse LGBT and Abortion lobbies, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have taken a stand for life and liberty,” he wrote.
The Advocate even quoted me
And Tony Perkins, president of the anti-LGBT Family Research Council (which recently hosted Trump at its Values Voter Summit), gave an exclusive interview to Breitbart saying Trump had kept “the most important promise that he made” with those two actions. Oh, we can hardly wait to see what he does next.
Andrew Breitbart used to pride himself on the hate he would induce from the Left on Twitter, so he would “retweet the hate.”

When people write bad things about me or try to smear me in print, I just
“Report the Reproach!”

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