Point of fact, we can answer this question. Contrary to Shapiro’s assertions, the American
people have indeed woken up. The sheep are no longer asleep. Voters have not only
seen their livelihood, but their lives put at risk because of the destructive
policies pushed by arrogant, distant, out-of-touch elites. The biggest issue in
this regard was illegal immigration. By and large Americans across this
country, even in California, don’t support sanctuary cities, and they don’t like
that illegal aliens violate our national sovereignty while taking benefits at
the expense (literally and figuratively) of American citizens. The elites in
Congress and in state legislatures, especially in blue states, haven’t been
listening. Fed up with their wanton disregard, the American people sent a very
loud, vocal message on Election Day 2016 with Donald Trump’s win. This populist
victory has galvanized individual voters to fight back for more victories
against other arrogant politicians. We the People have no problem ow going
after cultural, political, and even pre-supposing moral elites. Now that we got
Trump elected, we can begin taking back control of our country. What else has helped to bring down the media
academic and government elites besides the election of Donald Trump? Today, you
and I can be our own press agents and our own media. We can be our own
journalists, flex our own media prowess. It has gotten easier for every person
to expose at length the corruption and abuse of elected officials and cultural
icons, whether in the movie industry, the music industry, or in the halls of Congress.
Anyone of us can record abusive people doing abusive things. From Alec Baldwin to
Hillary, liberal snobs have seen their cultural influence plummet because
ordinary Americans took out their phones and recording them live, then uploaded
their videos. Even the major media networks can’t ignore this brazen evidence as
it goes viral on social media. This communications revolution has made it
easier to hack into private servers (Hello, Crooked Hillary!), and expose a lot
of the deep, dark secrets that our elected officials as well as the media were
keeping from us. Not just Wikileaks, but undercover agents like Project Veritas
are now investigating and exposing media giants for their rampant, orchestrated
biases against the president. The same exposure has ruined academic careers and empowered conservatives to fight back against left-wing academics. Another thing that has made and led to the
downfall of Hollywood and the corrupt crooked evil producers actors etc. is
that actors and actresses no longer see a purpose to pandering and playing
along with these big Hollywood executives. Hollywood was already having a very
bad year in terms of declining box office receipts. Actors are starting to
recognize that giving into the producers’ couch no longer guarantees a job or
an opportunity to thrive in Hollywood. They see that the whole entertainment
industry is crumbling financially, so there was nothing that would stop them
from exposing the abuse, perversion, and misconduct of these media, academic,
and government elites. Once Harvey Weinstein’s corruption and
perversion were exposed, followed by a widespread ongoing backlash against other
perverts in Hollywood, more women in other institutions felt free to speak out.
It has gotten easier for the common man to fight back against the self-protection
machine in other institutions. Indeed, you and I can fight city hall, or the
movie house, or the halls of academia. It’s gotten easier for conservatives to
organize, and easier for us to communicate and outflank the entrenched
left-wing opposition. There is another movement that is going on
beneath the surface that even conservative media pundits have ignored: the
restoration of the Gospel of Grace (Galatians 1:6). Men and women are
relearning their blessed Divine status in Christ and the gift of righteousness
(Romans 5:17) which overcomes the Left’s dual tactics of shame and condemnation
(Isaiah 54:17). The gift of righteousness is giving more believers the power to
speak out against abuse, hatred and wrongdoing without feeling condemned or
afraid of being condemned. Because the press doesn’t have the power that used
to have to shame people into silence, more people are condemning the evil behavior
of the culture, moral, and political leaders in our country. Regarding the press, this
development brings up another reason why we’re seeing major perversions finally
exposed in all these institutions. President Donald Trump beat down the liberal
media, the same media that was covering up all this misconduct, whether in
statehouses, in universities, or in press radio and entertainment. Today, we
see that these perverse Emperors have no clothes, but worse they have been
fornicating in front of us and getting away with it. Not anymore. The cultural elites in
our midst have nothing to offer us that we cannot achieve on our own. The social
media revolution has enabled us to take on the crime and corruption of our “betters”
and show off how much worse they really are. The liberal mainstream media has
cashed out whatever political capital and integrity they held, and no one
believes them when they cover for liberal politicians and their enablers. They
have gotten away with crimes and misdemeanors long enough, and the threats to
our safety and security proved too much for us to endure any further.

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