The CRs coming out of Congress will have no DACA anything.
Orrin Hatch did not join the five other US Senators at the White House. I think Hatch is backing away from his SUCCEED ActMcConnell needs to feel the heat really, really hard. He can deny a floor vote for any kind of amnesty. Bob Goodlatte is stopping amnesty of all kinds as Judiciary ChairmanMcConnell said “a decision about DACA” will come in March — already they are backing away
But of course we need to double down like never before.
Five Republican US Senators met in the White House with Chief of Staff John Kelly to discuss DACA fixes.
This is all wrong, and we need to make sure that Main Street is the loudest voice in Washington, not K Street, not Big Business, not Big Labor, and definitely not Big La Raza!

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