By Richard Colman, California Political News and Views 12/26/17What will happen in 2018? Here
is a list of predictions: –The Democrats will come within three seats of taking control of the
U. S. House of Representatives. If the
Democrats put up enough moderate House candidates and enough combat veterans,
they will take control of the House.
The Democrats are not invested in “moderation” at this point, since their agenda makers have become so radical and radicalized. The DNC Chairman and Vice-Chairman are completely entrenched in corporate and progressive liberalism. How much worse can it get?
Democrats are on track to win seats in the House, but they are going to face losses in the US Senate.–In the California legislature, the Democrats will lose their
two-thirds supermajority in one or both houses of the legislature.
Yes. In fact, that ha already happened, although I am not sure that those results will stick after the November 2018 election.–California will experience a decline in population among residents in
the state legally.
It’s already happening.–Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, will be elected governor of California. His election will be helped by the votes of
Republicans and independents.
I don’t want this to be true. UGH! I will not vote for Gavin Newsom. No way! Never, not going to happen. I am supporting Travis Allen for Governor. I wish that all the other Republicans in the CA Governor field would drop out and get behind Travis.–In a statewide ballot proposition, California’s 2017 gasoline tax will
be repealed.
YES! The numbers are already there.–The drought of 2017-2018 will continue, perhaps for three or more
years. –A statewide ballot measure to sell bonds to increase California’s
water-storage capacity will pass easily.
Didn’t we already vote for a similar bond in 2014? Now the voters and the political powers that be want more money? Unbelievable!–Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan for a high-speed rail connection between
Northern and Southern California will die.
So will Brown’s plan for water tunnels in the area of the San
Joaquin/Sacramento Delta.
YES! I sure hope this one comes true. What a billion dollar boondoggle. This plan must be taken out for good. Shame on Governor Brown putting his selfish legacy ahead of the needs of California’s citizenry.–The California Republican party will modify its platform and slowly
emerge from its coma. The Republicans
will offer huge tax breaks to non-union firms that build new homes.
How does the platform need to be modified? Last time I checked, voters around the country did not run to Trump because of the RNC Platform. All of the cosmetic changes to the California GOP platform are not going to bring in more voters. California Republican elected officials need to stick to the platform, keep their promises, and reach out with real caring to different communities all over the state.–California Republicans will offer a $995-a-year health plan that
includes dental and vision care. The
plans will apply to households with incomes of $60,000 a year or lower. Fees will rise as income levels rise above
$60,000. The plan will offer vouchers,
good at a clinic or hospital of the patient’s choice. To qualify for the plan, all adult members of
households must have jobs. The plan will
fail in the state legislature.
This specific prediction must have been fed to him by a policy wonk in Sacramento. I would sign up for this plan if it does become law. I think it’s a great idea of they can arrange fiscally responsible, pro-liberty principles to make such plans possible.–Tax increase in California will be much harder to pass because of the
new federal limit on the deduction for state and local taxes. The new limit for 2018 and beyond is $10,000
per year. Under the old system, there
was no limit. Wow!–Tolls on San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge will go to $8 per trip.
No surprise there. The Bay Area political class believe that money grows on trees, and the uber-rich are also uber-leftist (and they have the private, innovative sharing economy like Uber). They want to pay more money to the failing political machine?
I say let them! While at it, I hope that these sections of the state will formally declare themselves a separate state and rid us of their undue, overburdening influence in our state politics.–The U. S. Supreme Court will rule that mandatory collection of union
dues is unconstitutional.
Yes. That’s an easy one to call, since Neil Gorsuch is a fully infused successor to Justice Antonin Scalia, who was targeted forced union dues during the final years of his tenure on the Supreme Court. I have long waited for this reform. Public sector unions should not exist.–Vladimir Putin of Russia will be overthrown in a coup
One can only hope. I would like to see what information or trends that Colman is referencing to justify this prediction. The only news that would make this prossible is that one of Putin’s challengers was recently barred from running for some reason. Such electoral corruption breeds contempt for a contemptible process.–Efforts to offer citizenship to Dreamers, the children of illegal
aliens currently living in America, will fail.
PLEASE, make this so! YES! Si se puede, DEPORT! And there is one more prediction:
Some of the above predictions will be wrong.
Humility is a strong point, and Colman demonstrates it.

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