Kelly Stuart, aka Sky Spider, aka Spider Karen Groomer

You really have to pity Kelly Stuart, aka Sky Spider, aka Spider Karen. When she is not accusing all black people of being welfare queens, when she is not pushing LGBT perversion onto kids, when she is not grooming children for such perversions, she is obsessed and dangerously so with Asian-Americans.

She has a particular hatred of Tony Moon, aka Roof Korean, who stood up to the Tranny Terrorists and Antifa Soyboy militants outside of the WiSpa center in the Rampart District of Los Angeles.

Here’s a reminder of what she shared on social media a little while back:

Yet check out what she had to share about Tony Moon at the top of her Twitter feed:

She knows an awful lot about this guy. Why would go to such lengths to learn his job and then claim that he is having a mid-life crisis?

And now she has delusions that this Asian-American is targeting her?

I had to weigh in, of course:

Clearly, she has issues.

But what do you expect of an elderly Boomer who still lives in her mother’s basement?

What can one hope for from a frequently unemployed hack, who couldn’t even keep a job at a university?

What does anyone expect from a failed playwright who takes pictures all day, with nothing to show for it except “Asian-Americans scare me!”

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