In a previous post, I reported on a hateful Karen named Kate McDonald.

She urged people in the Bonny Eagle School District to shame and defame Vickie Shane, and she had people contact her previous employer to get her fired.

That is just shameful, vile, and evil.

Now, let’s talk about another Karen in the Bonny Eagle School District: Laura Durst


She’s a self-loathing hater.

She lies about parents.

She thinks it’s ok to push sexual mutilation on children. She is a groomer, a pervert, and an outright bigot.

She lied about Vickie Shane to get her fired, and she is completely in league with the anti-family bigots in the school district who defamed Eric Bleicken, too.

Bonny Eagle needs to stand up to hate in their district, and they need to take on bigot bullies like Laura Durst.

She also abuses her body with women, and there are children in her home. What kind of sick pervert would allow or celebrate such perversion?

AND she is a total coward.

She blocked people from commenting on her “Bonny Eagle Community” page when they called her out for supporting hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center:

And why does she want to be Jason Vorhees? What is this, some kind of kreepy, kinky fetish or something?

Laura Durst is a hater. She wants to harm kids, and she shames adults who want to protect kids. There is no excuse for good people to remain silent and allow her to run rampant with her hate.

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