Dear Friends,

From myself and our entire team at American Pastors Network and Stand in the Gap Media, we pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a God-blessed New Year!

While the last 3 years have been more life-altering than any in recent memory, the year ahead promises to be even more soWe believe that God has placed our ministry in the middle of these events for ‘such a time as this”!  And your partnering in prayer and finances with this ministry is EXACTLY what God would have you do.  Thank you so very much for what you have done and I pray, will continue to do!  

God has directed us to address prioritized headline events of the day and analyze them through the lens of a Biblical Worldview and the Constitution. It is what we believe every pulpit in America should be doing but less than 10% will address. For this past year our radio and TV programs have primarily revolved around 4 major themes- 1) Biblical Prophecy; 2) Covid-19 policy and jab implications; 3) The Russian/Ukraine war;  4) 2022 mid-term election outcomes.

Biblical Prophecy and Israel is a lead priority because over 30% of all Scripture is prophecy! With the homegoing of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, I’ve enjoyed the participation of Bill Salus of Prophecy Depot Ministries and Dr. Carl Broggi, Senior Pastor of Community Bible Church in Beaufort, SC. One tremendous series of programs I’ve done with Dr. Broggi is a 4-part series titled, “God Writing History Before it Happens: A Study of Biblical Prophecy”. I encourage you to listen to these programs as they literally provide a seminary level primer about understanding prophecy and its importance.

The now proven man-made Covid-19 bio-weapon and global roll-out of the Covid-19 virus and the experimental shots have forever altered the lives of the entire world.  Because of the physical, economic and spiritual implications of this demonic attack on humanity, I have given regular attention to the various implications through some the very best expert and Christian epidemiologists, virologists and others.  I would encourage you to revisit these programs including the very last one I just did with my family physician. [HERE]

The Russia-Ukraine war which began in earnest last February prompted the launching of our APN Ukraine Initiative ‘Ten Men’ Project  for the purpose of assisting Ukrainian pastors through their churches to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of the Ukrainian people. Multiple teams with tens of thousands of dollars have been used of God in extraordinary ways. If you have helped in special gifts or devoted prayer, can I say “Thank you!” While it remains to be seen what the ultimate outcome will be, the Believers in Ukraine are suffering but standing strong. Please continue to pray and give to this ongoing project.

Other radio program highlights include bi-weekly appearances of representatives from Answers in Genesis, a monthly culture update from Dr. George Barna on the state of the church and/or the nation, and other health freedom Issues from Twila Brase.

As to the implications of the recent mid-term elections there are many. The continued evidence of lawlessness, corruption, immorality in the form of redefined marriage, the transgender movement and so much more portends increasing difficulty for our nation. The economy and every aspect of life is being impacted because of ungodly decisions and laws made by legislators and judges across the country. But also, as we emphasize so strongly, we are seeing the clear hand of God in judgment against this nation as the world is being prepared for the rise of the Antichrist and the day of the Lord as contained in the Book of Revelation. 

Many programs in the area of prophecy have dealt with this but a very special program with Dr. George Barna on interpreting the elections from a spiritual and cultural values perspective brings a particular analysis to this entire subject. You can find that program HERE. One thing is certain, and that is no politician or red wave or any wave can solve the problems facing America and the world. There is only one hope and that is a return to God!

On January 9th, 2022, we launched ‘Return to God’ Sunday, a nationwide effort to encourage pastors and churches to take time as the new year dawned, to consider where we have fallen short of God’s commands and principles and take the necessary action steps of repentance and a renewed love for and devotion to God.

The ‘Return to God’ effort was inaugurated with a video we created called “Letter to America, From God”. This ‘letter’ was borne out of the heaviness in my heart as I considered the collective response of Christianity to the 2020 Election, the Covid crisis, and other indications God’s judgment on us had begun to fall. Instead of turning to God, many called for other sincere, but misguided efforts to awaken the sleeping church. Instead of diagnosing the root of our problem, the American people attempted to treat the illness-and their efforts fell pathetically short. So, we will again be encouraging a “Return to God” Sunday, January 8, 2023. You can sign up for newly created resources on this theme, HERE.

On that note, I’ve just launched my new book titled, “America’s Roadmap to Renewal – The Answer to Past Prayers and the Hope for the Future”. This beautiful book includes the 11 Bible principles essential for national greatness and God’s blessing.  Accompanied by hidden American history, America’s Roadmap to Renewal condenses the secret to Americas former greatness as pulled from the pages of Scripture and embraced by our founders. The book is available on Amazon HERE. I hope you’ll purchase a copy for yourself, and one for your Pastor!

Finally, God blessed us by sending Dr. Jamie Mitchell to join our team as our APN Director of Church Culture and Pastoral Engagement. His pastoral experience and now with a counseling ministry, Jamie is uniquely equipped to understand and navigate many of the church issues we addressed and to which we provide unique resources.  He and I recently sat down to produce another Pastor to Pastor (P2P) video about Christmas (HERE).

In the end, when it comes right down to it, Christmas is where it all began. It’s where the first coming of Christ was fulfilled to the letter as the Babe of Bethlehem and the Lamb of God Who took away the sin of the world!  We now await the next step, the Rapture and the second coming of Christ where He’ll return as the conquering Lion of Judah, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and establishes His rule and reign forevermore in the ages to come.

I’m looking forward to that day, aren’t you?

Standing in the Gap for Truth,

Hon. Sam Rohrer
American Pastors Network, President
Stand in the Gap Radio and TV Host

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