Rep. Katie Porter is a perverse militant who is all in on the LGBT agenda.

She is OK with sexual deviance and degradation being the norm.

And she wants to protect groomers by banning the term “groomer” on social media, since so many people use it in connection with the so-called LGBT “community,”


However, people need to start asking more serious questions.

Why is that so much LGBT-related content being pushed on kids, and why does all this content have naked pictures, pornography, and obscene images in them?

What is the matter with these sick people?

And let’s go one step further: why do LGBT bigots like Katie Porter insist on treating homosexual conduct and transvestism as natural, normal behaviors, when clearly they are not normal? These are unhealthy, bankrupt, destructive behaviors.

And so is Katie Porter, by the way, or at this point should we call her Katie Porky’s?

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