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Dear Paul,


After careful analysis of over 3,200 races iVoterGuide covered, we believe widespread disappointment over the lack of a Red Wave this past election may be partly due to fixing our eyes on the wrong expectations. We have discovered some very encouraging takeaways! Conservative Currents are quietly shaping the political landscape in various places. 


Here are two examples from races covered by iVoterGuide:


1. More Incumbent Seats Flipped to Conservative!


Over TWICE as many incumbent seats flipped from Blue to Red than Red to Blue on the races iVoterGuide covered. (We define a flipped seat as a change from any spectrum of Liberal to Conservative, or from Democratic to Republican, unless the Republican received a rating of less than Moderate. For judicial elections, a flipped seat is a change from an Activist-rated judge to an Originalist.)

  • Flips from Blue to Red occurred in over 30 states. This took place in races up and down the ballot, from U.S. House to school board. (School boards are an exciting story all in themselves! Look for a detailed email update on their outcomes at a later date.)
  • Flips are rare by nature. Redistricting tends to heavily favor the incumbent or a certain party in each legislative district, so ousting an incumbent is increasingly uncommon. It is significant that over twice as many of the incumbent seats which did flip resulted in a win for more conservative candidates.

  • Seats that flipped from Red/Conservative to Blue/Liberal were limited to 16 states. They were primarily state legislative seats due to redistricting. They primarily occurred in already Blue states and states with Ranked Choice Voting (Alaska). So most of these states simply took on a darker shade of blue.

2. In Two Short Years, North Carolina Highest Courts Flipped All Conservative!


As recently as 2020, Democratic activist-rated justices held a 6-1 majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court. Over the course of just the 2020 and 2022 elections, North Carolina voters reshaped the Supreme Court into a 5-2 majority of originalist-rated justices.


In addition, over the past two elections voters flipped the 15-member North Carolina Court of Appeals from an 8-seat Democratic Activist majority to a 11-seat Republican Originalist majority.


Just think: voters chose Originalist judges over Activist judges in every single one of the 14 contested Supreme Court and Court of Appeals seats over these past two elections.


YOU CAUSED THE CONSERVATIVE CURRENT—The number of iVoterGuide voters exceeded the winning margin for the Originalist candidates in all 14 races!


iVoterGuide, teaming up with our Gold Partner, NC Values Coalition, provided voters clear choices by conducting extensive evaluations of all Supreme Court and Court of Appeals candidates and incumbents running for re-election. Thousands of data points, including reviews of court opinions, rulings, decisions, campaign finance records, endorsements, and responses to our Judicial Candidate Questionnaire, served as the basis for grading each candidate’s judicial philosophy.


Gold partner, NC Values Coalition, and affiliated partner NC Faith and Freedom Coalition, magnified the guide’s effectiveness by urging candidates to complete our questionnaire and promoting the guide throughout the state. This resulted in iVoterGuide users exceeding the winning margin for the more conservative candidate in additional races down ballot!


This is just our first report. Stay tuned for more upcoming information on the election impact and how you can get involved.


Can You See Why We’re Excited?


A current is defined as, “a body of water or air moving in a definite direction,” or a “flow marked by force or strength.” You are part of the force driving this Conservative Current.  While media coverage focuses on high-profile races and the balance of power in Congress, it is helpful to remember that change can happen gradually at the state and local level over several election cycles, and flipped seats are the building blocks!


The Conservative Current impact will not likely appear in your headlines or news feeds. Keep in mind that advancers of leftist policy want to keep you discouraged, distracted and deceived. Don’t take the bait!


We have only begun to fight. We will continue to motivate and equip more Judeo-Christian voters. In the history of our country, every current of change in the right direction has come from those who persisted in their duty because it was right, not because it was popular. As Abraham Lincoln famously said:


“Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”


Thank you for being one of millions of informed voters who “dared to do your duty” this past November, helping create Conservative Currents across the country. I am grateful to stand with you.



For our future,




Debbie Wuthnow

President, iVoterGuide

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