RINO Virginia Delegate Tim Anderson wants to repeal the natural marriage clause in the Virginia State Constitution!

We need EVERYONE to contact Del. Anderson ASAP.

He is thinking about introducing legislation to repeal the protection of marriage, one man and one woman.

This is  beyond outrageous!



Capitol Office
Office: (804) 698-1083
Email Address:DelTAnderson@house.virginia.gov
Room Number: W437  Map It
Legislative Assistant: Yousef Tejada
Administrative Assistant During Session: Brenda Short
District Office
249 Central Park Ave #300-73
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Office: (757) 572-4427

Here are key talking points to submit:

  1. Marriage is not just about the adults, but it’s about the kids. Children need THEIR Mom and Dad.
  2. Marriage is a public sacrament. It’s not a mere private matter between two consenting adults. When a man marries a woman, he says “I do” to her, and he says “I don’t” to everyone else.
  3. The marriage relationship has an official legal statement prepared, so that the man and woman have a record, signed by the two parties, and witnessed by a judge/priest etc. It’s a public matter, and the government must have a say in preserving the institution.
  4. Redefining marriage beyond one man and one woman harms public health. It also undermines public order.
  5. Every nation which normalizes homosexuality, that is a nation where women are treated as second-class citizens, and children are treated as commodities, not human beings endowed with life and honor, who need to be cared for. We do not want this destruction for Virginia.
  6. Homosexual conduct spreads all kinds of venereal diseases. We don’t want to codify this perversion and harm public health
  7. Homosexual conduct is borne out of one or more of four causes: abuse, neglect, confusion, and molestation. The solution to these harms is not to enable the destructive behaviors with a corrupting redefinition of marriage, but to help those individuals to get help.


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