Say NO to Democrat ChairsThis weekend the TX House Republican Caucus will meet for a private vote for Speaker of the House. They will also have a hearing with invited speakers only on rules. During the rules hearing they will likely determine if they will allow Democrat Chairmen for House

Committees.Democrat chairs do not allow Republican priority legislation out of their committees. It is important that your Texas House Representative does two things:1) Vote for Tony Tinderholt for Speaker, he will prioritize Republican Party of Texas Priorities like banning child gender modification and ending drag shows for children.2) Vote against installing Democrat Chairs. Democrats left Texas last year to avoid a vote on priority legislation. They should not be entrusted with chairmanships. We just elected a Republican majority in the House and Senate and for State Leadership and the leadership should thank us by installing chairs that will pass our priorities. Democrats will not.Tell your Texas House Representative that you do not want Dade Phelan for Speaker. Let them know that you want a Speaker who will not appoint Democrat Chairmen. Dade Phelan will appoint Democrat Chairmen. 81% of Texas Republican voters voted against Democrat chairs. Tell your representative that you want your vote honored.

We elected Republicans to get our priorities passed. MassResistance Texas will protest ALL Republicans who vote for Dade Phelan for speaker.If your Republican representative has not indicated that they will vote against Phelan, contact tracy@massresistance.org to organize a protest in your area.A vote for Dade Phelan is a vote for Dem Chairs.Find contact information for your TX State Rep here:

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