Kelly “Granny Groomer” Stuart lives in her mother’s basement in El Segundo, CA.

She hates children. She supports their systemic indoctrination and abuse.

She has a problem with black people, as well, since she believes that they are all welfare queens.

And now she wants to use big words to pretend to sound smart, when really she is a failed playwright, actress, and dime-store waitress who still lives at home with her mother.

Her latest attack on me? “Stochastic terrorism.”

Here’s her post

Arthur Schaper engages in stochastic terrorism, profiling people he wants targeted for harassment and violence. And he celebrates and laughs when his targets are attacked. This is the link to his blog. You can scroll through posts & judge for yourself.— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) August 5, 2022

And again with “stochastic terror”:

Here’s a post that is particularly vile. You have to report individual posts. There’s a lot to report. Arthur Schaper is engaging in stochastic terror by inciting hate against LGBTQ people.— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) August 8, 2022

Really, Karen? Sure, Jan!

Anyway, this flippant use of the word “stochastic” is the latest desperate push by Antifa soyboys and sell-out granny groomers like Kelly Stuart.

By the way, here’s the definition of “stochastic”: randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.

When I write to expose hatemongers like Kelly Stuart, there is no call to violence. There is no random call to anything.

She doesn’t know the meaning of the word “terror” or “stochastic.”

It’s hard to believe that this failed playwright also taught at Columbia University. She sounds like a shallow diversity hire, nothing more.

And she still lives in her mother’s basement!

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