This is an actual eblast from Equality California.

They actually wanted to know if respondents had suffered

Equality California
ANONYMOUS FLASH POLLWas your mental health personally affected by the Trump Administration?YES »NO »I’d rather not say >>Arthur,

Between the ongoing pandemic and unprecedented political polarization, we know times have been tough.

A new research report in the Journal of Economics & Biology found that many within the LGBTQ+ community experienced aggravated mental distress during the Trump Presidency.[1]

The study also found that in states where Trump won, the mental distress was much higher for LGBTQ+ people.

We know just how difficult this period of time was — and continues to be — for our community.

Because despite having a new pro-equality administration, the LGBTQ+ community is still reeling from an unprecedented wave of anti-LGBTQ+ bills in state legislatures across the country.

On top of that, the CDC found that LGBTQ+ people are more likely to experience severe COVID-19 health outcomes due to increased underlying conditions.

That’s why it’s so important to check-in on each other. Here at Equality California we are committed to serving our community and that starts with ensuring the well-being of our supporters!

Please fill this survey out so we can better understand how best to serve this community:

Your responses will be kept entirely confidential. Thank you for always helping our mission. We really appreciate it!

– Equality California

—[1] Kuroki, Masanori. “The Rise in Extreme Mental Distress among LGBT People during Trump’s Rise and Presidency.” Economics & Human Biology, vol. 43, 2021. 

Yes, indeed, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real!

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