One would think that some of these LGBT militants would learn their lesson by now.

First, I exposed Nico Lyon for his hateful phone call.

Then his “friend” Jan-Michael Sanchez went after me, and I exposed his shame.

And now there’s Annette Sorenson.

She featured a drag queen on her Facebook profile
Really …

Here’s her other profile:

Seriously, though, what’s with the eyeshadow?
Answer: she is into drag:

 Someone needs to tell her to “Sashay Away”!
I wonder if she was OK with sex offenders being around children in the Houston libraries, too …
What a drag!
Anyway, here are the lovely things that she (assuming that she honors her natural heritage as a female) had to say about me:

Of course, nothing says “Love thy neighbor” like calling someone “scum”.

Just like other LGBT militants, Annette justifies her hate as follows:

Annette believes in court-appointed “rights”. What exactly does that mean?

It means that she is OK with government agencies supporting the doctrine of “Separate but Equal”, since Plessy v. Ferguson deemed that it was acceptable to force black people to sit in separate facilities from white people. That ruling bolstered Jim Crow laws throughout the South for the next 50 years. The courts created a right for proprietors to discriminate against others based on the color of their skin.

It means that she is OK with the fact that a Democratic President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, interned 112,000 Japanese-Americans in camps, forcing them to sell their property and give up their businesses, all while their constitutional rights as Americans were trampled upon. The Supreme Court upheld this perverse Executive Order 9066 in the Korematsu decision, thus granting the “court-appointed” right to local and state governments to violate the natural rights of the citizens in those locations.

It means that she is OK with confused men pretending to be women to participate in women’s sports and ruin women’s opportunities at scholarships, since a number of federal courts have ruled that confused men have every right to compete against women, as long as they think that they are women.

Well, since I believe in protecting the natural rights of all Americans, regardless of their skin color, and I believe that men cannot become women, that makes me “scum” in the eyes of Annette Sorensen.

The truth is that Annette is promoting the self-loathing perversion of the LGBT agenda, simple as that. She wants to turn sexual perversion and license into another set of civil rights, as though it’s completely acceptable to equate being black or being ethnically Japanese with “being” gay.

People are born black. People are born of Asian descent. They are not born gay, and I simply do not understand why people insist on ignoring science, research, and statistics to push a lie.

Of course, people who speak the truth will be called things far worse than “Scum”. That’s a risk I will take.

It’s time to take a stand against bigotry and hate. It’s time to challenge the hateful narratives and lies of the LGBT Agenda–and it is time to make a full and unswerving example of LGBT militants who promote this perversion and want to bully others for speaking out against it and for natural marriage, life, and family.

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