Darlene Hansen, Co-President
Escondido Republican Women Federated

Dear Darlene Hansen:

Your answer below is the worst example of gaslighting that I have ever read from someone justifying this mental illness called transgenderism.

Gaslighting: the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them. 

No, Gina Roberts is not a woman. He is a man. I do not care how big the plastic bags may be that he shoved into his chest, and if he cut off all the special parts he was born with south of his beltline.

A man cannot become a woman. There is no such thing as a “transgender woman”, either. There are over 9,000 chromosomal markers inside of each person’s DNA which indicate male or female. All the cosmetic surgery and hormonal inducements cannot change someone’s sex. It is simply not possible.

I do not care if there is some purported legal document in which Gina Roberts removed his naturally recognized sex and replaced it with “female”. Pieces of paper and legal changes do not undermine or thwart natural law and biological fact. The laws of nature remain advancing, and even our own United States Constitution recognizes the pre-eminence of natural law (cf. Article one, Section 8, Line 10, in which “law of nations” refers to “the laws of nature as applied to nations”.)

The Escondido Republican Women Federated members had no right or business promoting a man pretending to be a woman. This is an attack, an affront on conservative and constitutional values, on the California Republican Party, the state charter and the national platforms, and it’s an assault on reality itself. I don’t care what the so-called bylaws of the National Federation of Republican Women have to say. And for the record, I have reached out to the national leadership as well as the state leadership, and they have not even provided me the by-laws that somehow “forced” you to comply with this madness. 

There can be no conservatism, no peace, no liberty apart from reality and from the natural laws and morals which underpin reality. Conservatism is not just about cutting taxes,  And the libertarian creed “Live and Let Live” is too broad and even naive to mean anything, especially when it leads to unsettled, mentally ill men pretending to be women and undermining women’s sports and other activities.

No, the Escondido Republican Women Federated did NOT elect a Republican woman President. They just elected a man, and they are dishonoring every woman in doing so. What is the matter with the group that they would do something this outrageous, this dishonoring to women?!

Mr. Gina Roberts has also asserted his prerogrative to force and bully people to accept his delusion via lawsuits. This is nothing to do with being pro-liberty and pro-rights, when someone relies on the force of government to undermine the laws of nature and the facts of life. Others have informed me that he also believes that men who pretend to be women should be permitted to compete against real women in athletic sports! When pressed to clarify his stance on the issue, he refuses to answer! I asked him directly this question via social media, and he blocked me.

The Escondido Republican Women Federated does not operate as an island until itself. They act as a Republican group, they claim to represent women. 

The club needs to change course and reject the promotion of a man pretending to be a woman as President, or you should lose your charter and all dignity and credibility as a Republican organization.

For the record, I have to respond directly to some of your comments below:

“Please try to put aside your personal bias on this matter.” Biology, sex, genetics, and physiology are not “baises”. They are facts. They are truth.

“We will never be able to make progress in California if we don’t enlarge our tent.” Oh brother, where do I start on this one. A tent has to stand for something, cover something, and be grounded in something, or it’s just a piece of cloth on the ground that does nothing, and everyone walks all over it. Conservatives do not, cannot win elections by drifting left. Democrats have been shaping the culture for the worse, and then they win elections. Republicans in particular, conservatives in general, and citizens all around need to stand up for what is true and right, or pretty soon there will be no one left standing!

You do not turn independents looking for a viable alternative to the Democrats by becoming Democrats. It’s just that simple. You cannot turn enemies into friends but turning friends into enemies, by undermining the foundation principles of the political party and the essential values of any civilization.

Escondido Republican “Women” Federated?

She is not going to push an LGBT agenda here, she will servce as our President.” He– HE–is already pushing the LGBT agenda. He is a man pretending to be a woman, and the club is going along with this destructive, insulting madness. How ironic that you would write that he will “service” as the president of the club. Don’t even get me started on that …

“Please respect our right to operate under the guidelines in our bylaws.” Your bylaws do not trump natural law or biological fact, and they have no right to be. If the Republican Women Federated Groups think that being a woman is so superficial and meaningless, why have women’s groups in the first place?! Why even call yourselves Republicans?

At the very least, your organization should have refused HIM entry as a man pretending to be a woman. If the National Federation was actually going to force you to go through with this insanity, then you should have rejected the Federated charter and gone independent, just as the South Bay Republican Women had done in Chula Vista.

By the way, Darlene, I have published your letter below in full for the public to read. You should be getting lots of phone calls and emails shortly.


The State of the Union: Co-President of Republican Women’s Group: A Man Can Be a Woman, And We Elected a Man President (WAT?!)aschaper1.blogspot.comYesterday, I shared a blog post with the public exposing a Republican Women Federated Group in Escondido CA, which just elected a man to be …


Arthur Schaper, Organization Director

Website: MassResistance.org

Email: arthur@massresistance.org

Workcell: (781) 474-3005

Main Office: (781) 890-6001



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