Yesterday, I shared a blog post with the public exposing a Republican Women Federated Group in Escondido CA, which just elected a man to be the next President of the club. Here’s the link for the blog post.

This man, Gina Roberts, goes around pretending to be a woman. This is absolute madness, but what is really shameful and sad is that this group of women–yes, real women–just sat back and put up with it?!

What is the matter with this group? What are they afraid of, that they could  not take a firm and principled stance that they would not allow a man dressed up in women’s clothes to become the President of their women’s club?

The Escondido RWF
Where men can be women?!

Well, I just received this response from the co-president of the Escondido Republican Women Federated. Her name is Darlene Hansen.

Consider what you read:
We elected a Republican woman, who has objectively proved by her dedication, hard work & conservative practices that she can do the job.  Our nominating committee recommended her to our Executive committee as stated in our bylaws.  We sunshined it to our membership for 30 days, with no comments.  We asked for nominations from the floor prior to the election, as stated by our bylaws.  When no one stepped forward, we elected her & the rest of the slate of officers.  There were no dissenting votes, or abstaining votes.You don’t know Gina, we do, & if we are OK with it, why should you take exception?  She is an exemplary citizen of our community & our group, exceptionally service oriented.  Please try to put aside your personal bias on this matter.  We will never be able to make progress in California if we don’t enlarge our tent.  If I can agree with a person on 80-90% of their ideas, & the remaining issues aren’t immoral or illegal there is a good case that the person is acceptable.  She is not going to push an LGBT agenda here, she will servce as our President.Your demands and stated ideological tenets are your choice, I respect that.  Please respect our right to operate under the guidelines in our bylaws.
—-Darlene Hansen, ERFW Co-president 2020
Reminder: This is Gina Roberts, on the left, next to a real woman:

Gina is a man pretending to be a woman. He is not a woman at all. The fact that the co-president of any women’s club would gaslight, or brazenly just lie to anyone’s face and call this man and woman is just beyond me.
Contact the Escondido Republican Women Federated, and let them know that this nonsense cannot stand. No organization should go along with and enable this madness, this dishonor towards women. Tell them to reject this nominee and stop enabling this delusion.
And tell the California and National federations to intervene and demand that this abuse stop, or demand that the charter be revoked! 
Escondido Republican Women Federated

Escondido Republican Women Federated:

Phone Number: (760) 224-9281


Linda Alvarez, President, Escondido Republican Women Federated


Darlene Hansen, Co-President


National Republican Women Federated

Phone Number: (703) 548-9688


President Ann Schockett, National Federation of Republican Women


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