Jimmy Sham is a vocal, prominent LGBT Activist in Hong Kong.

He has been pushing gay “rights” for quite some time in the region, hoping to promote himself for higher office, too. In fact, he is running for the legislative Yuan, making the promotion of sexual perversion a prominent matter.

Indeed, he is openly gay, and he “married” another man in New York State in 2014. This is how the agenda is pushing their sexual perversion. They go to “gay friendly” locations, get “married”, and then return to their home countries to sue in court and demand equal recognition for their fraud.

This is just awful. The LGBT movement around the world has been knocking down moral limitations and protections just to push their own agenda, to demand acceptance at all costs, and to shut down anyone who gets in their way.

This whole promotion of sexual perversion and deviance has taken over the pro-democracy rallies and protests in Hong Kong, too.

Well, he was supposedly attacked in the middle of October by pro-government thugs:

Here’s a photo following the attack:

Check out the local paramedics bandaged him up:

OK ….

Then check out what he looked like the NEXT DAY:

His hair looks pretty nice, doesn’t it?

And the damage that moved the medical personnel to bandage up his entire forehead? Well, it’s now just a small patch, and it’s hovering over his hairline, so it seems.

Hmm …

Now check him out hosting the Hong Kong Gay Assembly (because the city shut down the gay pride parade):

Well, well, well …

Jimmy Sham healed pretty quickly, didn’t he?

Independent viewers on social media, however, suspect otherwise:

Immediately the blue ribbon camp is now claiming that Jimmy Sham faked his own attack with fake blood and It’s “confirmed by kwong wah hospital”…this is depth to which they will sink, and people will just lap it up.#人一藍腦便殘 pic.twitter.com/cXGmjoFf1G

— 大野智 (@ohnolny) October 17, 2019

OK, this tweet suggests that it’s a government plot to smear Jimmy Sham, to claim that he faked the attack.

But wait! Check this out:

This is truly a medical miracle, I must say. In just one night, the bruises around Jimmy Sham’s right eye have been completely healed. In a city with such out-of-this-world medical capability, why are they still complaining?#HongKongpic.twitter.com/eupWhxkvJd

— 🔥 Socialism with US Characteristics ☭🇨🇳🌹⌛️🏴🚩 (@BernPress) October 17, 2019

Sham healed awfully fast, didn’t he?

Or, perhaps his attack was a total … sham!

Here’s the full description of Sham’s attack:

The CHRF [Civil Human Rights Front, Sham’s LGBT activist organization] said he was set upon by a group of up to five hammer-wielding men in the Mong Kok district of the Kowloon peninsula, and left with head injuries.

It added that he was conscious as he was taken to hospital, and was in a stable condition.

He was attacked by five men with hammers. That’s pretty serious.

And yet, the damage he sustained seems to have healed away pretty quickly.

Too quickly.

This should not surprise anyone. Homosexual activists are notorious for staging fake attacks against themselves to succor sympathy from the public.

Jussie Smollet, After Arrest for Filing False Report (NPR)

Jussie Smollet is the most notorious example. An openly gay actor who was trying to get a higher salary, he claimed that two MAGA protesters assaulted him in Chicago in the dead of night. When he reported this crime, the police found him in his apartment with a noose around his neck.

Following further investigation in the matter, it became clear that Smollet had colluded with two other black men to perpetrated a fake hate crime. Sadly, the Chicago DA didn’t even bother to prosecute this perverse disregard for the rule of law, or the well-being of police officers and their resources.

Earlier this year, New York lesbian activist Nikki Joly burned her own home and issued a false report, claiming that anti-gay forces torched her home to intimidate her. The investigation later revealed that she had burned her home, and thus burned the police, and she was held to answer for some serious felonies afterwards.

Andy Ngo, a journalist who lives a gay lifestyle, documented a number of fake hate crimes emerging in Portland, Oregon. Incidentally enough, he was viciously attacked on camera, and reported multiple injuries, including brain trauma. To this day, no one has been held accountable.

The first celebrated case of anti-gay crime in the United States had to do with Wyoming youth Matthew Shepard. The mainstream media ate up this narrative that Shepard was murdered because he was gay. The incident had occurred in 1998, when there were no hate crime statutes to enhance punishments against those who murdered homosexuals.

Matthew Shepard was no victim of a hate crime.
besides hating his own body

A recent book written by journalist Stephen Jimenez, however, indicates that Shepard was murdered following some intense, meth-fueled altercations with his lover. It was not a bunch of rednecks pursuing Matthew because he was abusing his body with another man. The whole thing was a media fraud–a fake hate crime, a total SHAM!

There’s so much hate crime hoaxing against gays

In fact, one scholar wrote a book “Hate Crime Hoax”, in which he details that of the numerous claimed hate crimes against homosexuals and transgenders, only 1in 3 turn out to be true!

So, it’s not far-fetched at all that Mr. Jimmy Sham lived up to his namesake and faked the crime against him.

The rapid healing certainly suggests that there is so much wrong about the whole incident. Look at the photo of him lying on the street:

His left arm and hand are placed almost as though he’s posing for the camera. The blood spilled on the ground would suggest some considerable trauma. However, the photos of him in the hospital suggest that the trauma, if any, was rather quite light.

Or did not happen at all.

Jimmy Sham, Hong Kong’s LGBT Sham? Certainly worth looking into.

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