Patti Boman is the head of PFLAG, or at least she used to be. Perhaps her extreme behavior proved too much even for other intolerant LGBT activists in the South Bay section of San Diego County.

Patti Boman
Head of Hate Group “PFLAG”

Mrs. Boman is the head of a hate group. PFLAG, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, teaches young people to hate their bodies. This group fosters and foments lies and destruction to such an extent, that young people are killing themselves in record numbers.

Here, she gets confronted for spreading her hateful lies. Click here.

When I confronted her about allowing sex offenders around children, she refused to answer. She was OK with it!

Inducing and enabling people to kill themselves is just plain evil. If someone is in bondage to homosexuality or transgenderism, those individuals needs help. Parents who enable such lies are committed child abuse.

That is hate. Mrs. Boman heads a hate group, pure and simple:

She called Brian Camenker, the head of “MassResistance”,
a white supremacist. He’s an orthodox Jew.

But it gets worse.

She pushes a hateful narrative of lies which cause adults and children to harm their bodies and their minds, as well as cut their lifespans short. She promotes mental disorders and venereal disease.

She also makes frequent references to another hate group called “The Southern Poverty Law Center” to attack Chula Vista residents.

In order to cover for her hate, she cites this discredited hate group at length in an attempt to shame parents, mothers and fathers, immigrants and veterans, who want to protect children and safeguard our culture and our communities.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and anti-Catholic. The SPLC has a long history of shaming minority leaders like Maria Espinoza, whose organization “The Remembrance Project” gives a voice to grieving mothers and fathers.

Mrs. Boman, the head of a hate group, relies on another hate group, to smear immigrants, veterans, and parents as “a hate group.”

On August 29, 2019, along with other LGBT bigots, she attempted to shut down a black pastor and a Filipino son of immigrants, along with a diverse community of mothers and fathers who care about protecting their children from harmful, unhealthful behaviors like homosexuality and transgenderism.

Councilman Padilla stands with hatemongers like Mrs. Boman.

If anyone has any more information on this hatemonger and her hate group PFLAG, please contact me:

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