Trump Admin’s Criminal Justice Reform ‘Overwhelmingly’ Helping Black Prisoners.

Democrats have been relentless in trying to paint the Trump administration as an unadulterated evil for African-Americans.

But a report released this month by the U.S. Sentencing Commission just made that job many, many times harder.

The report found that the First Step Act of 2018, a criminal sentencing reform bill passed by a Republican Congress and signed by Trump in December 2018, had benefited black prisoners incarcerated in the federal prison system in numbers far greater than other races.

* Only 4.3 percent of prisoners receiving reduced sentences have been white. More than 90 percent have been black. And more than 98 percent of them have been male.

Those numbers reflect cases processed through April 30, according to the report, so that’s the effect of the law after only four months in existence. And remember, this is an administration, that has overseen an economy that has brought the unemployment rate among black Americans to historic lows.

Now, black Americans are the main beneficiaries of a sentencing reform bill that was passed when Republicans held majorities in both houses of Congress and signed by a president whom liberals, Democrats and their propaganda arm in the mainstream media have spent years now vilifying as a “racist.”

The party that fought the Civil War to keep black Americans enslaved in the United States, then spent more than 100 years after that defending Jim Crow laws that enforced a very real kind of second-class citizenship for black people in the South, has been disgracefully successful at painting itself as the champion of civil rights for minorities for two generations now.

It’s a propaganda victory that couldn’t have happened without the complicity of a leftist education system, a dishonest media and, of course, the lies of the Democratic Party itself. However, the numbers don’t lie.

It was the Trump administration that helped spur the American economy in ways that have undeniably benefited black Americans.

It was a Republican Congress and Trump’s signature that enacted criminal sentencing reform that’s benefited black Americans in more than nine out of 10 cases where it’s been applied. And all the Democratic pandering and mainstream media caterwauling about “racism” can’t change that.

—Keith Hardine

* Source—Trump Admin’s Criminal Justice Reform ‘Overwhelmingly’ Helping Black Prisoners.

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