Torrance City Councilman Tim Goodrich has been a blight on our city council chambers since the moment he was elected, since the moment he ran for office.

This guy wanted to fly the American Flag high for everyone to see, when he ran for office. He loved playing up his veteran status. He wanted everyone to see him as a loving, patriotic Torrance homebody.

The truth is quite different, even sinister.

The truth is that he was anti-war flag burner shortly after the Iraq war, and he hoped that everyone would conveniently forget about it. He lambasted the the military and attack our country’s leaders.

On top of that, he’s not from Torrance. He’s a carpet-bagger from Buffalo, New York, and the Democratic Party put him in this seat in the vain hopes that he could be a politician who would move up the ranks into Congress and perhaps one day run for President.

Now, he’s just an embittered progressive who can’t anything done that he wants to accomplish.

A pro-Torrance majority has taken back the reins of power on the Torrance City Council.

And as of May 14, 2019, the Torrance City Council will have “In God We Trust” posted on the front of the chambers.


Now, how did Touchy Timmy respond to this?

He whined, he belly-ached about the lack of transparency. Really? This from the guy who was trying to force Community Choice Aggregation onto the city of Torrance, who refused to provide the requisite details on the program.

This is the same Tim Goodrich which didn’t tell anyone about his anti-war, anti-American, progressive, Left-wing past!

And he was appalled — APPALLED, I tell you — that the city of Torrance would recognize our country’s national motto inside our city council chambers.


Here is his official email whining to the public:

I’m proud to say that during my last 5 years on the City Council, we have always operated with transparency and the best interest of the public in mind. That is, until this past Tuesday night. It brings me no joy to write this email, but I was witness to an unprecedented lack of transparency and I’m sharing it with you because, as the quote above says, the best way to stop it from happening again is to make sure people are aware of it.

Oh please, Timmy. Give it a rest!

It started two months ago when Councilmembers George Chen, Milton Herring, Aurelio Mattucci, and Mike Griffiths voted 4-3 to place the words “In God We Trust” on the wall behind the Council dais after receiving an email from a woman in Bakersfield (I’ve never heard a Torrance resident ask for this). 

That’s because Timmy ignored their interest in doing this. Timmy isn’t interested in requests from people whom he does not agree with.

Despite their proclamation that this was a “unifying issue”, it proved to be a very divisive issue. Not only was it brought just days after a religious extremist killed dozens of Muslims in New Zealand, but an overwhelming majority of the public spoke in opposition (including the South Coast Interfaith Council, an organization representing dozens of faiths), and a compromise solution put forward by Councilmember Rizzo, Mayor Furey, and myself was rejected out of hand. Additionally, per longstanding precedent (ie, the recent City Hall front entrance redesign), we urged this item to be referred to the appropriate committee to allow for further public input on the design and placement, but this too was rejected.

Making decisions is often going to be divisive, Being decisive means that you will may be divisive. It’s part of leadership. You should know that, Timmy, having served in the military.

When the item came back for discussion regarding design and placement of the wording this past Tuesday, I argued that the item should be delayed by one week because we were conducting business without the public present (due to an unrelated incident just minutes earlier that led to four arrests), but that too was rejected out of hand. I still don’t understand the urgency to move this item forward without any public participation, but the same four Councilmembers voted to move forward and approved an expenditure of almost $2,000 for this item.

“Due to an unrelated incident”  — wow, is that what you think of the Black Lives (Don’t) Matter Hate group?

The issue here is not one of religion (I’m a baptized and confirmed brother of a pastor), its one of transparency and I feel that the standard the residents of Torrance have come to expect was not lived up to.

Yes, Timmy, the issue is religion. You don’t want God to have any audience or recognition in the city council chambers or anywhere else in our country. You are an atheistic, narrow-minded bigot, nothing more.

Making sure we listen to the public and operate transparently is what has set Torrance apart from other cities in the past and I will continue to make sure we act as transparently as possible going forward. I hope that you will continue to be involved in our City and I encourage you to be in touch with us at any time on matters of interest to you. Our email addresses can be found here:

Don’t Worry, Timmy, we are still very much invested in what is happening in our city.

That’s why the city council is more responsive to the concerns of the city, and why good things are finally happening in the city of Torrance.

Torrance Forward!

Torrance Councilmember Tim Goodrich

Torrance Councilmember Tim Goodrich · 3031 Torrance Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503,

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