In Windsor, Colorado, the Library Director for the overarching library District, Ann Kling, insisted on pushing Drag Queen Story hour on the Residents.

The kid is the only one with any sense in the above picture!

The community spoke out loudly and forcefully against this perversion. The elected officials responded in turn, since the residents informed them and surrounding elected officials of their opposition.

However, instead of respect the will and the morals of the the local residents, the arrogant Library Director decided to force the Drag Queen Story Hour onto the local library.

The reports which I heard from the residents, the protesters around the library event on January 12, 2019 were unbelievable.

I summed up the abuse of power and lack of public access to the three elected councils which appoint trustees to the Clearview Library District.

Here’s the full letter which I wrote:

To the Windsor and Severance City Councils and the Weld-4 School Board, and the Clearview Library District:


I am appalled at the treatment of the residents in Windsor at the Drag Queen Story Hour protest.


I have been informed that residents of the city of Windsor attempted to attend the library, setting aside the Drag Queen Story Hour Program, and NO ONE was able to attend the library. That is an abuse of power and unjust restriction of access to a public facility.


Furthermore, individuals who wanted to pass out flyers were prohibited from doing so, even outside of the library. This is ridiculous.


Beyond that, I was informed that there was a so-called “Free Speech” area assigned for protesters.


This is America, not some third-world dictatorship. Since when does any police officer get to tell someone in the public that they cannot pass out flyers, and that they cannot attend a library.


It has further been reported to me that most of the people attending this program did not even live in the city of Windsor or in Severance.

These are unconstitutional infringements of the First Amendment, and these violations need to be corrected.


Furthermore, the city councils and school district which serve as stakeholders for this library must remove the librarian Mrs. Ann Kling and remove the current board of trustees. 


The well-being of our children and our culture are at stake. This Drag Queen Program is a slippery slope that is aiding and abetting gender dysphoria and destructive behaviors, and the whole LGBT agenda behind is based on nothing but lies.


All of this is wrong. Do the right thing. Terminate this program immediately.




Arthur Schaper, Organization Director



(781) 890-6001



The Library Director tried to issue damage control to over her immoral disregard for the best interests of children and the community at large.

Ann Kling
LGBT Activist

Notice that in her letter she makes spiteful references to MassResistance and about the community at large. She also downplays the suppression tactics which she and private security had employed to allow this corrupt, sexually explicit program to continue:

All –

I wanted to take a moment to respond to the wildly inaccurate allegations that were included in the email you received from MassResistance’s Arthur Schaper yesterday.

  • First, the library was in fact open and available to everyone before, during and after the event. The only area of the library that required a ticket was the meeting room, and it reopened immediately following the event. Protesters on both sides of the issue entered and exited the library regularly, with some even checking out materials while they were there.
  • Second, protesters were allowed to – and did – distribute flyers outside the library during the event. Signs were not allowed inside the library, and patrons were not allowed to distribute flyers inside the library itself – both would violate our policy against disruptive activities inside the library. The only instance of someone being asked not to distribute a flyer was a protester who was stopping traffic as it entered the library parking lot to converse and distribute a flyer. A police officer politely asked her to allow patrons to park before distributing the flyer so that traffic trying to enter the parking lot did not back up into the street.
  • Third, the protesters chose where they wanted to protest. We had intended to ask protesters not to protest within 30 feet of our front door so as not to inhibit the ability of patrons to enter and exit the library. However, before we could have that conversation, the protesters chose a position along the sidewalk and street that gave them greater visibility to people entering the parking lot and driving along Third Street. They protested where they chose to protest.
  • Fourth, the event participants were local residents. As ironic as it is that someone from California would complain about outsiders involving themselves in this issue, I can assure you that the overwhelming majority – if not all – of the participants in the event were in fact library district residents. Our ticketing system ensured that we controlled who received the tickets, and our obligation as a library is to meet the needs of our district residents.

Finally, I would strongly encourage you to consider the source of these baseless and irresponsible complaints. Mr. Schaper’s organization has been identified as an anti-LGBT hate group, a similar designation given to such groups as the Westboro Baptist Church. They have been condemned by both Democrats and Republicans for their outlandish and false claims about LGBT persons.

Mr. Schaper may choose to attempt to score cheap political points by attacking our police officers, but let me be clear: We should acknowledge and appreciate the professionalism of the Windsor Police Department officials. They respected the rights of all of the protesters and kept a calm presence that helped keep the protest civil. They should be commended, not criticized. I am also proud of how the protesters on both sides of the issue behaved yesterday. They were vocal and stood up for their beliefs, but they were also respectful and kind. They were a credit to our community.

I know many of you did not support the event, but our obligation is to meet the needs of our entire community. We offer hundreds of events each year, ranging from Santa’s Workshop to Spanish Bingo to student Chess Club.  We don’t expect everyone to be interested in every event, but rather that the programming in total meets the needs of our entire community.

I am available if you have any questions about the event. 


Ann Kling

Of course, I had some strong words for her, and I made sure that the entire city councils of Severance, Windsor, and the Weld 4 School board read those remarks, too:

Mrs. Kling:


I am shocked, offended, and completely disgusted that you are trying to defend the INDEFENSIBLE!


Some of our members reported precisely what I submitted to you and the rest of the community leaders who serve the Clearview Library District patrons. [Please find attached the original letter]


Mrs. Kling, you invited drag queens (and a drag king, too?!) into a public facility, and you promoted that deviant, adult form of entertainment to the public. You even defended this decision by claiming that “our obligation is to meet the needs of our entire community.”


Your claim that Drag Queen Story Hour is about representing the entire community. Really?!


How many Drag Queens live, work, play etc. in Windsor, Severance, or the Weld 4 School District? Please answer this question.


“Drag Queen, Drag King” whatever are not identities–those are roles that people play, by the way, unless you are explicitly conceding that the whole point of Drag Queen programs is to normalize deviance and indecency, as well as unhealthful behaviors like homosexual conduct and transgenderism.


Are you not aware that children are indeed falling into this perverse set of behaviors?!


‘Good Morning America’ promotes child drag queen | News | LifeSite

‘This is absolutely not OK,’ said one parent.

You are promoting this, Mrs. Kling. This is not “diversity”. This is destruction, and this is child abuse.



Consider how the “parents” of little Desmond allowed him to dance for homosexual man in a gay bar in New York City:


11-Year-Old Boy Dressed In Drag Dances At Gay Bar, Gets Dollar Bills Thrown At Him | Daily Wire

On December 1, an 11-year-old boy dressed in   drag danced on stage in a sexual manner at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, called 3 Dollar Bill.

Here’s another “Drag kid”, a child who was taking photos with a naked adult male:


10-Year-Old ‘Baby Drag’ Boy Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen | CBN News

Huck Magazine sparked outrage after it featured a 10-year-old Canadian boy named Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden posing next to a naked man in a recent photo shoot. 


Yes, this whole “Drag Queen Story Hour” program has an agenda — to sexualize young children, to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism. That is not “diversity”, Mrs. Kling. That is a demonic.


By the way, for the information of all informed stakeholders in the Windsor-Severance-Clearview region, it is obvious that Mrs. Kling is a radical LGBT Activist who is more interested in using children to push her agenda, rather than serving children and parents to do what is best for the region. She is more interested in her own twisted idea of “tolerance”, when it is crystal clear that tolerance in her view means “You accept my point of view, or you are a bigot.”


Now, regarding her outrageous charges against MassResistance:


Mr. Schaper’s organization has been identified as an anti-LGBT hate group, a similar designation given to such groups as the Westboro Baptist Church. They have been condemned by both Democrats and Republicans for their outlandish and false claims about LGBT persons.


The only institution which labels MassResistance as a hate group is the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center. They have been forced to pay settlements for defamation, and they are facing litigation for using stolen documents to defame a lawyer in Baltimore. The SPLC has explicitly admitted that they are not interested in stopping extremism, but rather they are only interested in destroying conservatives, nothing more:



“Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate groups, I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, completely destroy them.”



The video of that has been widely available on YouTube for years. Watch it here: 


The SPLC Reveals Its True Motive: To ‘Completely Destroy’ Its Political Enemies

The SPLC selects “hate groups” for “strictly ideological reasons.”


The reference to the “Westboro Baptist Church” is laughable. Our President, Brian Camenker, is an Orthodox Jew, we work with Orthodox Jewish communities in New York State, and our membership boasts a wide array of supporters in different countries as well as states, including Nigeria and Taiwan. In fact, we even have individuals who have engaged in homosexual and transgender behaviors who now support our efforts!


Furthermore, The Southern Poverty Law Center is no longer a credible source, even according to liberal journalists:


Mission Creep and the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Misguided Focus | HuffPost

Mission creep occurs when an organization strays beyond its original purpose and engages in actions antithetical to its goals. Rather than monitoring ha… 


Has a Civil Rights Stalwart Lost Its Way? – POLITICO Magazine

The Southern Poverty Law Center—led by charismatic, swashbuckling founder Morris Dees—is making the most of the Trump era. But is it overstepping its bounds? 


Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate Group

Like many leftist organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, started out with good intentions..01/15/2019 14:48:06PM EST.



Even the US Gov’t doesn’t use them any longer: 


FBI Dumps Southern Poverty Law Center as Hate Crimes Resource | Breitbart

Christian groups are celebrating with the news that the Federal Bureau of Investigation appears to have scrubbed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) |



The only hatred emanates from those who insist on imposing this destructive LGBT agenda onto cities, counties, and states, and despite the growing outrage against this deviance. Mrs. Kling would likely just as well as smear the residents of Windsor, Severance, and the Weld 4 School District constituents as “haters”, too. The fact is that Kling believes that parents who want to protect children, who do not want them ot be exposed to adult entertainers are “haters”. That’s pretty shameful. Protecting children is not hate. Honoring marriage between one man and one woman is not hate. Recognizing the importance of Moms and Dads is not hate. Ensuring that boys and girls are happy being boys and girls is not hate.


I assure you that her letter below is going public. Mrs. Kling has brought irresponsible, irreparable division to the cities of Windsor and Severance as well as betraying the trust and innocent of young children. The suppression tactics which took place at the library event on January 12, 2019 are unbecoming of a free nation.


It is best that she step down for the good of the community and the Clearview Library Board listen to the demands of parents, children, and stakeholders at large.




Arthur Schaper, Organization Director



(781) 890-6001



This is the kind of response needed against every library and library director which dares to promote Drag Queen anything in their libraries!

The staffers need to feel the pressure, and the elected officials need to feel the heat so that they see the light, the good will of godly people speaking out against perversion, against the corruption of youth and this disgusting agenda.

If you are interested in stopping this travesty in your community, please contact me:


Phone: (781) 890-6001

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