Our Canada MassResistance members are rising up, sending a loud and clear message to their federal government as well as the provincial governments that they do not want to comemmorate the year when homosexual acts were decriminalized.

At one time, I thought that Justin Trudeau was merely an Obama acolyte. Now I realize he is far, far worse.

Canadian Prime Minister has become the Prime Pervert
Tell him “NO GAY LOONIES!”

This man is determined at all costs to push his regressive, left-wing anti-life, Marxist agenda onto every Canadian. There was a time when such agressive, left-wing tyranny was widely winked at, since most Canadians are very glum and humble, going with the flow, reaching for the bronze when they could be competing for the gold.

But with the Trudeau government, this progressive, left-wing agenda has simply gone too far even for Canadians.

Please check out the petition below, sign it, and share it far and wide!

Petition against Canadian coin celebrating gay sex decriminalization receives ‘huge’ response

Life Site News reports:

WOODSTOCK, Ontario, January 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― As a rule, Canadians are a tolerant, peaceable bunch, slow to stick our necks out. Nevertheless, more than 33,000 of us have signed a petition protesting the Canadian government’s nod to the Royal Canadian Mint to produce a one dollar coin, or “loonie,” commemorating the decriminalization of private homosexual acts in 1969.

Entitled “Say NO to a ‘Gay’ Loonie!”, the Citizen Go Canada petition underscores the irony in a Trudeau government celebrating private sexual acts on the nation’s coinage when another Trudeau said private sex acts were none of the government’s business. (Full text of petition below.)

“(Before) Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau decriminalized homosexual acts in 1969, he famously said, ‘there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation,’” the petition to the Mint reads.

“In other words, people’s private sexual practices should stay private, and the government should keep out. If that is the case, then why are you promoting certain sexual practices on Canada’s official coinage?” 

“It is like the government is opening up the doors of certain bedrooms and inviting everyone in to watch. This is unacceptable and un-Canadian.”

CitizenGo Canada reported over Facebook that its petition had received more than 20,000 signatures from people across the country during a single weekend. Its moderater stated also that it had attracted 12,000 signatories in its first 24 hours, a CitizenGo first……

Please sign the petition and circulate


Say NO to a “Gay” Loonie!



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